Friday, September 26, 2008

Is raya in the lab an option?

So Syawal is near...and Ramadhan is leaving us.
Will we be given the opportunity to experience the wonders offered by Ramadhan again next year?
I don't know.
But I do know that I hope for the best for me and you :)

Truth is, I am not really psyched with the idea of raya. I am actually very worried of my research project. There's so many things going on in my head that I need to put pen to paper before I can make sense of all the problems plaguing my mind.
Sometimes, there's so many things in my head that I get carried away and be over-focused on the project. I think that is why people think I am so serious. Truth is, my mind is somewhere else: troubleshooting the failed experiments, planning future courses of action, making plan B, C, D and sometimes E if my original plan don't work, I could go on and on...seriously.

Can I go to the lab during the celebrations?
But I must be fair to my family, mereka pun ada hak atas diriku.

I want to complete my research ASAP!
Let the path to that goal is easy..without too many thorns.

After I complete my project, then what?
What I'll do?
I'll decide when the time comes.
Cross the bridge when you see it, now focus on getting over this cliff!


AinulMalik said...

salam lisa..
slamat hari raya aidilfitri, maaf zahir batin..pandangan kak ainul, kdg2 kerja yg kita buat masa dalam keadaan genting dan sangat komited insyaAllah akan berhasil.tapi takda maknanya kita buat kerja tanpa keredhaan ibu bapa dan pls grab your chance to spent your precious time with family, bermaafan dgn yg lain2.tapi, bile habis cuti, kembali ke lab dgn semangat yg baru bersama keredhaan ahli keluarga yg kita dah berjumpa sepanjang hari raya. mungkin itu lebih membawa makna. smoga hari raya kali ni membawa keberkatan buat kita semua!

Ice Rose Princess said...

thanks k.ainul...itulah yg lisa buat :)
pulun lepas raya nih!
n g.luck on ur thesis, all the best!