I wonder, how do mothers do it? They are in truth, Superwomen.
My parents are away for umrah, so now everything is not the same. The dynamics have changed and now I'm finding that I have to shoulder new responsibilities. Luckily I have such wonderful brother and sisters (although all very manja haha) and they have played their part in making the separation bearable. I was quite down actually because immediately after my parents left, two of my sisters were down with fever. I felt quite useless and helpless but alhamdulillah all is well now although one of my sister still haven't recovered fully (Alia, makan ubat! Jangan degil, ish).
The things in my mind and the way I think is changed because before all that I'm concerned about is my work but now I have to think about the running of the household, the accounts, my sis n bro's wellbeing, what to cook, what to buy and of course, my work. I also noticed that I even nag now! Haha, bebel saja, kesian adik- adik. I don't know, now that I've got a checklist in my head, I have to run that through others too: reminding them to do that, telling them to do this, asking them whether they have done it, nagging them incessently to do it if they haven't...alahai, dah jadi macam makcik-makcik. But I know that they are all grown up and can be counted on so I try not to nag too much.
Again, how do mothers do it?
They are simply amazing!
I feel like such a klutz trying to juggle everything, but they do it with ease and my mom even do it with style!
Aren't mothers, before they become one is a regular girl like me? How do they mange it all?
I like to think that somehow women are pre-programmed to take care of the family so I'm counting on that to ensure that I am not a total flop when I am married and have children of my own.
God, make me a supermom! haha
my dear, couldn't be more agree with you. well, as u may predict i am on that post full-time now. already feels older each single day and phone calls from "abah" always like an explosion. i foresee a heart complication within few years ahead. hahaha
don't worry, we're all pre-programmed to excel in this mothering stuff hehe (i hope :p)
i really hope so.. after all, all moms were like us :D hahaha
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