Sunday, April 04, 2010

The world is too big to be stuck in one place

I should like to spend the whole of my life in traveling abroad, if I could anywhere borrow another life to spend afterwards at home ~William Hazlitt

I'm so jealous I could cry...
Bloghopping has brought me to this. The blog owner is an old friend of mine, known her since primary school. She and her husband are photographers and before they went on to UK they have a photography service (all the details you can find on their blog). The pictures thay take are truly breathtaking, it makes me want to go to the places showcased in their pictures then and there. Alas, that is but a dream ~ :(

But looking at those beautiful pictures almost brought me to tears due to jealousy. It's not the green eyed monster-envy-I'm-gonna-get-there-someday but the more mellow oh-i-don't-think-I'll-ever-get-there kind of jealousy.

I am sadly an avid dream traveler. I like to travel but don't seem to get the chance to. I don't crave the constant adventure or the constant moving, but rather I want to see and feel the world in its entirety. I want to see beauty in every perspective. I want to stand in silence in the face of wonder. I want to drink it all in.

Someday when all the mess has settled maybe I can just pack up and go. But sometimes I fear it is going to be too late. However, fear has never gotten anybody anywhere worthwhile, so maybe the thing to do is to just do it and see what'll happen. I suspect that life has many things left in store for me ;)


Farah Y said...

Tak sangka jumpa di blog juga.

Terharu baca entry ni. I appreciate the things you've said about my work. It made me smile and I needed that. Thank you! Come by the blog again sometime, will you? :)

Ice Rose Princess said...

slm farah :)
biasa la kn skrg ni jumpa kt cyberspace.
tp ur photos mmg cantik, n it makes me want to travel sgt2. lama lg ke kt UK tu? mana la tau ada rezeki pg sana haha
n sure I'll come to ur blog again, ur photos are sure addictive ;)