Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Trouble is a mosquito

Life, it seems, is a very interesting paradox.
When you're all geared up to take on the world, planning and taking your steps carefully, waking up with the dawn and ever eager to start a new day: something almost always happen so hard to dampen your spirit, like phantom hands coming out of the water with the sole purpose of drowning you.
On the other hand, when you're miserable and all the colors you see are only gradients of grey the whole world would be lit up, tempting you with the dream of possibility that is just bursting with happiness that makes it irresistible, even stupid to stay on your corner sulking sourly.

Unfortunately, I'm having one of the former situation.
I burned my weekends, my work looks like a big dead end sign, my thoughts are all over the place trying to cover all bases, trouble shooting non stop. The thing about trouble is that they are like mosquitoes: they keep buzzing around your head, irritating you to bits and making you more determined to catch them coz every time you try to swat them, they fly away and then cheekily come back.
Sorry for whining.
I know I should have known that this all come with trudging your life through postgraduate study.
It is too late to turn back now, the U-turn was three years ago. Now its a long, long, longgg highway. Might as well go on. There is still light up ahead. As someone so aptly said:
There is a light at the end of every tunnel....just pray it's not a train! :D

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