Saturday, November 12, 2011


So many things to say but like a powerful surge of electricity, it results in a black out.
But, after all the impossibilities:
I did it!
Syukur Alhamdulillah
I just want to extend my deepest appreciation to the major players in my life. All of whom had played a significant role in making this dream a reality. If anyone say that they did the doctorate on their own, please be careful of that person because there's a 50% chance that he/she is a liar and another 50% chance that he/she is a psychopath.
So here goes...
A big heartfelt Thank you to my Mama and Ayah. I know it would be impossible without you. Your love, your strength, your understanding is incredible. I am thankful to Allah because He gave me the chance to be your daughter. Thank you and love you! To my brother and sisters, my bro-in-law, my nephew: you're all amazing and I love you!
Thank you to the rest of my big family WCJ. Family is indeed the substitute for angels in this world. A special mention is for Cik Ngah and family for always welcoming me to their house, Aunty Ana and family for welcoming me also to their house and letting me to use their car to go to the hospital, Caly for patiently helping me during the stay : from transportation and also for knowing where is the best food in KB, Ayah Chik and Cik Bi for lending me their car and allowing me to stay at Rebana and last but not least, to Arwah Ayah Su and family for helping me to stay in Rebana and also welcoming me to their house.
Thank you for my wonderful friends and labmates for always being there and being the shoulders to cry on whenever the storm strikes (yeah, shoulders. There are many and you could pick any one. They're that wonderful). Thank you also for the good times and helpful discussions and insight. It means a lot to me.
Thank you to my supervisors; Prof Zaki and Dr Teh for their help, guidance and training that is different from any other. I wouldn't be a PhD holder without these people, that is certain. I respect you as my teacher and am forever indebted to both of you for what you have done during my studies. Thank you.
Of course, there are others. I am sorry if I left out mentioning your name but I am still thankful for what you did. In reality, each and everyone of you who has become a part of my life since Dec 2006 until now contributes to my success. Thank you, you, you and of course, you. ;)

*Maybe if the writing muse come visit me again, I'll tell you all about the PhD journey.

**the words on the mug: TRUST ME I'M A PhD: No, not that kind of doctor...I spent years toiling away in a windowless lab just to get those three letters after my name. PhD



Congratulations doc! =D

Ice Rose Princess said...

thank u!

'Aini said...

Darling.. Enjoy! ^____^

Ice Rose Princess said...

haha, enjoy! tp, more towards relief actually. The knowledge that it is all over n I don't have to do it all again ;)