Showing posts with label daily rantings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daily rantings. Show all posts

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Crazy unnecessary things I thought up lately (today was quite a boring day in the lab)

1- In the morning, as I was looking at the data I got from LC/MS (Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry), I was struck dumb. I thought to myself: What am I doing?

--I was not quite ready to deal with LC/MS, a technology that is still quite new to me. But I ran the samples anyway, just to see how it would turn out. But what came out from that machine meant nothing to me. I just looked at it blankly.
It is true that the one without knowledge would lose out on many things. Someone who doesn't know the true value or the meaning of something would not appreciate it even when it was put right in front of them.
Opportunities would be lost. The worst thing is, you wouldn't know what you lost.
A person without knowledge would also be easily cheated on and played. Take this example: let's say you're in a foreign country and you don't know a word of their language. Then some of them took you out for dinner. At dinner, they could be discussing about dropping an atom bomb on Malaysia in front of you but still you just stand there like a dumb person smiling all the way, saying, "yes, no, alright" because you thought that they were asking what dessert you want.
See? It would be different if you have knowledge. Then you'll behave differently and you'll know what to do, what's expected of you.
So now I have to read more on the technology before attempting to do it again. Be prepared!

2- As I was paying for my food yesterday, I thought about the ever-escalating price of food. Everything is so expensive nowadays! Then one of my lab mates asked me to hold their food for a while as they did something else. I noticed that the weight of my food was lighter compared to my friend's. So I thought, "why don't we pay for our food based on their weight?"
I accidentally voiced my thoughts out loud, and my friends just looked blankly at me for a second and then they burst out laughing. Yeah, I know its illogical because the ingredients used in each food differs, so the idea of standardizing the price of food like standardizing the price of oil is quite far fetched ;)

3- Yesterday I watched Malaysian badminton athlete Wong Mew Choo battle it out with China. It was an amazing match. The match
between Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong with the Indonesians was also breathtaking. What I can say that even though we were out in the end, we didn't go down easy. It was a fight of wills, a fight not between losers and winners but a fight among equals. Seriously, their fighting spirit makes me proud to be a Malaysian. I heard the sports announcer say with gusto, "Malaysia Boleh!" and I couldn't agree more :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Today my parents n the rest of my family are coming home!
They've gone to Kelantan to try out some traditional medicine for my father's ailment.
I couldn't go because my work at the lab is piling up :(
But it doesn't matter now. Focusing on my work, I hardly felt that a week has gone by. But at times when I remembered..well, that's a different story ;)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Today i met up with my cuz at Pak Li Kopitiam.
Nice meal, nice chat, nice day :)
I really missed having a loooooong chat like i did just now.
I learned a lot. Well, i guess that's a good thing right?
When we talk and share our experiences and perspectives in life with another person, then we get to see the world in a new light, in a different point of view.

What's the deal with the novel "Ayat-ayat Cinta" by Habibburrahman El Shirazy?
It seems that everyone is talking about it.
So many lives affected by it and because of this, i think this book shouldn't be taken lightly.
I haven't read it yet, but i think i must.
This novel, they say, is not your ordinary love story. It actually has substance.
This book changes people.
Don't believe me?
Follow this link:

I rest my case.
Gotta read that book!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hr ni jumpa dgn supervisor ku yg tsayang. Lama juga x jumpa dia utk bbincang pasal projek, tapi hr ni naik bilik dia utk blatih presentation sbg psediaan utk jumpa doktor yg nk collaborate nnt.
Dah lama dah buat appointment utk jumpa dr HUKM tu, nak dekat setahun. Bayangkan, arrange nk meeting tapi asyik ttunda tup2 da tertunda setahun dah.
Hari ni patut pergi jumpa, tapi tangguh lagi. Apa la. So tadi berlatih saje2 je la.
Seriously, rasanya kalau ade je apa2 yg doktor tu kne buat ke apa, the first thing yg die akan cancel ialah appointment dgn kitorang. Ape nak buat, dah diri tu ikan bilis..ikan paus macam die tu mana la nk pandang, ye tak?
Sekarang ni berazam utk tidak buat perkara sebegini pada org lain. Ye la, tau lah bz, tapi orang lain pun ada kerja juga. Lagipun, kalau selesai cepat, xdela kacau2 nk jumpa lg.
Just take a second of your time to think of others beside yourself.

Mggu ni kne struggle. Primers n reagen semua da sampai. Kene ada data utk start writing.