Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Just a quick post before i commence to my labwork..
Anyone in a state of SEEKING can never be happy. Only those who are constantly FINDING are fulfilled. And finding is not something that happens to us- it is something we DO.
Alan Cohen

Looking at the things that happen to me, I discovered that even after 24 years of living in this world, the simple lessons in life still surprise me. I'm still learning and my tutors are the people around me young and old. It seems that pearls of wisdom does not always come from the old and supposedly wise. Everything and everyone in life has something to teach you, it is only a matter of whether you realize it or not.
So instead of seeking happiness, make it a point to find happiness. Be happy and proud of the little achievements and luxuries that you have the fortune to experience. Be thankful and happy for the little things of life like having a tasty breakfast or seeing the sun rise or having great friends. Instead of seeking answers, find answers. Sometimes the things that are right in front of us are those that we fail to see. People are always sacrificing one thing in hope to get the other. But while you are striving to be better or get better things, do not forget to be thankful with what you have or had. You are given a chance. Don't waste it. Taste and savor each moment of your life and work hard. Only when you are tired will you know the simple pleasures of rest. Only when you are sad you long to be happy. Only when you are sick you remember how it was when you were healthy.
I think that as we continue to the end of our life, some things become clearer, some things become more incomprehensible, some things get embedded in our minds and some things are just forgotten. But sometimes it is best to let go. Let go, let it be, leave it to the Almighty and move on with the lesson engraved on your heart and mind. Like the lyrics of the song The Great Escape from Boys Like Girls :
All of the wasted time
The hours that were left behind
The answers that we'll never find
They don't mean a thing tonight
So just remember that sometimes the big things don't matter. It is just a part of a bigger plan. So long as you've done your best and gave all you can, then be heartened that there is nothing more that you could do.

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