Sunday, July 20, 2008

Have you ever felt that you have said too much?
I am by nature, a quiet person. It is not that I don't have anything to say [quite the contrary..actually hehe] but somehow I just don't talk that much, except, perhaps to those close to me.
Lately, I feel like I said too much.
I feel like a big balloon full of air with the opening just closed between the fingers and not tied. Suddenly the fingers closing the outlet let go of the balloon and there I was, flying here and there, making so much noise but then eventually I slumped down, out of air. Nothing left in me. What's left is just a piece of colored rubber...
Maybe because these few weeks that have passed seem like a waste to me. I didn't get much work done as much as I like to.
Maybe these are the after effects of taking things too easily?
Gotta get my game on!
When Dr Teh asked me to change my method last week, she said
"Dah lama dah puasa, dah sampai masa makan besar"
[or something along those lines...I can't actually remember her exact words..]
Initially I was struck dumb, I didn't get it at first. Then Prof Zaki said,
"Wah, Dr Teh dah pandai berkias-kias sekarang"
Me===> Huh? Kias?

Then I got it, I think she was saying that I have not being productive lately, so I was fasting [puasa] in terms of my productivity and the time has come for me to finally have my makan besar [big fest]. slow la me sometimes...
I thought makan besar for me is like a reward or something..haha, so much for false hopes.
So I have to pull myself together and gotta have those RESULTS!


dEe Di a.k.a. KeNg hAu said...

slm, being a loner huh? somestime it is good.. coz it let us think deeply about ourself... reflect on the past... we never satisfy everyone.. thus, just be yourself.. satisfy urself & our Creator... every thing have its pro & con

Ice Rose Princess said...

thanks dee, I really appreciate it