Sunday, August 24, 2008

Won't you wait for me?

------WARNING! This post is hopelessly lovey-dovey. Those of you who can't stand it, well, you've been warned ;) ----------

At this moment, my mp3 player is playing the song Ku Harap Cinta by Nowseeheart.
I once talked to a guy that thinks that the love for his girlfriend is different from his love for Allah. It was as if he compartmentalized his life to two sides: one side for Allah and another for everything else.
I disagreed with him.
To me, everything is interconnected. If you compartmentalize your heart, then how could it ever be whole?
Why is it said that when married, a man has completed his religion?
If the two [love for Allah vs love for anything else] are so different, then how in the world it could be part of one another?
To me, it is best to do both because both are important, both are essential.
Use your love for another person to take you to a higher level of consciousness and love for Allah.
Do it all for the sake of Allah.
Use your love for Allah to love another person: be it your family, friend or your significant other.
Always remember to be fair. Adil.
Always put something where it is supposed to be. Letakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya.
Remember that fairness does not mean equality. Keadilan tidak bermakna kesamarataan.
Both reinforces each other. A balanced and wise synergy of both would take you higher now and hereafter.
Synergy (from the Greek syn-ergo, συνεργός meaning working together) is the term used to describe a situation where the final outcome of a system is greater than the sum of its parts.
“The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.”
Jalal al-Din Muhammad ar- Rumi

What beautiful words. I think every girl [dunno abt boys], since they come to know about love, would dream that someday her very own prince charming come and rescue her.
It is natural to feel that way.
Is it because we want to find out what happened after the prince rescue the princess and ride into the sunset to live happily ever after?
I look around and people never stop looking for love.
But each and every one of us are born with another as our soulmate, so maybe that is what Rumi meant. Is it? Dunno.
When the lovers will finally meet another is not in our power to know or determine. When it comes, then it comes. Nothing can change what is written.
So if we apply the concept of the interconnection between love of Allah and love for another person (in this case, your significant other) then I would say that if we nurture and nourish first the love for Allah but leave the heart open for another then if it is written that we would be blessed for love in this world then we would get it, somehow, somewhere.
Does that make sense?
But patience alone is not enough. Any way we choose we have to make an effort. Real effort.
Sekrang tgh bc 3 buah buku simultaneously: Ayat- ayat Cinta, Falsafah Hidup and Quran Saintifik. Tp x sempat2 nk hbskn mana2. Bz gilaaaa!
Tp ada satu scene dlm Ayat-ayat Cinta yg macam menyentuh hati. masa tu Fahri minta Maria pujuk Noura yang sedang menangis kerana didera keluarganya.
“Tidakkah kau bisa turun dan menyeka air matanya. Kasihan Noura. Dia perlu seseorang yang menguatkan hatinya.”
“Itu tidak mungkin.”
“Kau lebih memungkinkan daripada kami.”
“Sangat susah kulakukan!” Maria menolak.
“Kumohon turunlah dan usaplah air matanya. Aku paling tidak tahan jika ada perempuan menangis. Aku tidak tahan. Kumohon. Andaikan aku halal baginya tentu aku akan turun mengusap air matanya dan membawanya ke tempat yang jauh dari linangan air mata selama-lamanya.”
Macam tu je sebenarnya. Sepatutnya saling menguatkan. Halus hati Fahri kerana berkata begitu.
Dulu pernah tengok cerita Fullhouse, tertarik dengan konsep cinta heroinnya. Dia sanggup menunggu org yg disayanginya. Tunggu sampai tertidur2. Tetap xjemu menunggu walaupun dimarah oleh hero.
Sebenarnya apa yang menyebabkan rasa sayang itu sampai sanggup buat benda2 mcm ni?
Orang yang dilamun cinta (kata2 neutral observer mcm aku ni) automatik jadi orang yang penyabar, pemaaf, periang, ada pengharapan. Bukan ke bagus side effect cinta ni? Yang jadi x bagus tu bila xpandai urus cinta dalam hati tu sampai rasa cinta tu menenggelamkan fikiran dari perkara2 lain yang tak kurang penting. Setiap elemen dalam hidup kita ada hak masing2, jadi perlulah tunaikan hak2 itu semua.
Diri orang biasa, maka perasaan ingin merasai cinta itu tentu ada. Bagaimana dengan soal jodoh? Mungkin boleh direnungkan seperti ungkapan dalam filem AAC:
Dialog Fahri dengan Maria di Tepi sungai Nil
"Sebelum aku kesini, sebenarnya ada 2 hal yang bikin aku kagum sama Mesir. Yaitu Al Azhar dan Sungai Nil, karena tanpa sungai Nil, tidak ada Mesir dan tidak ada AL Azhar.
"Aku juga suka sungai Nil, kalau tidak ada sungai Nil, pasti tidak ada Mesir, tidak ada peradaban, yang ada hanya gurun pasir"
"Kamu percaya pada jodoh, Fahri?"
"Ya, setiap orang memiliki…."
"... jodohnya masing-masing. Itu yang sering kamu bilang"
"Aku rasa sungai Nil dan Mesir itu jodoh, senang ya kalau kita bisa bertemu dengan jodoh yang diberikan Tuhan dari langit"
"Bukan dari langit, Maria, tapi dari hati, dekat sekali"

Jadi, kalau ia dari hati tentulah tidak boleh dipaksa. Syukurlah kalau dapat jodoh yang tersenyum bila berjumpa kerana benar-benar suka hatinya melihat wajahmu, yang tiada paksaan pada reaksinya kerana semuanya jujur. Untung mendapat seseorang yang mampu memahami nuansa perilakumu, yang mampu berkomunikasi dengan cara yang sama (wavelength sama).
Tapi macam apa yang diinginkan ni boleh je kalau di apply pada ciri-ciri sahabat yg diingini kn?
Maybe kedua2nya ada ciri yang sama, yang overlapping tapi ada juga ciri2 lain yang unik utk dua2 individu itu kn.
Pasangan mestila lebih special ;) hehe
Wah, da banyak dah aku merepek. I think I'll stop here.
U guys take care :)

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