I think I am quite traditional ini a number of things. Petty things that won't matter to anyone sometimes tick me off and make me VERY annoyed. Example of my pet peeve:
1. I hate it when other people without a greeting or even a smile go into the lab/room as if they have a clue of what they're doing, look around, look at me with a blank snobbish face and then go out. Have you no manners?? There I was, standing in front of them in plain view but still they don't ask me anything. Sometimes these people just do whatever they want, without asking for permission eventhough they are outsiders. Ah..how I wish I could knock their heads and say, "Hello, did you leave your manners at home?"
2. I don't like it when people text me without a greeting first. Is it too much to ask for a simple "Hi" "Salam" "Hello"???? To me, I'd see it as arrogance in your part. You dare to ask for something and want me to respond without ever acknowledging me first. You think you're so important that I have to bow to your every whim? Aiyoh...it is common courtesy, people!
3. I simply hate it when I am talking to somebody online, suddenly the person is gone without a word and then expect me to understand and move on with my life? Is it too much to ask for "sorry, I got to go" or "Something came up. Catch you later". Again, this is common courtesy. Who are you to make them wait? Why leave them hanging like that? It makes me feel stupid; talking to someone who is not even there. Suddenly when you wondered wth they've gone, you notice a little note: gone to play ball or out to lunch. Is that person so undeserving of your attention that you treat them like that? Grr.
...hmmph. Finally I got that out of my chest. These are the things most commonly done by men but the 1st one usually by women. Why? Beats me, I still can't figure it out why they often lack basic social graces and etiquette. "Ah, I didn't realize it" is a really shitty reason ok. Treat others as you want to be treated. That's simple enough, right?
as always..lisa terus tenggelam dengan nilai dirinya yang komplikated..
hey girl...adakah akak orgnya?Connection problem, ni baru ok balik. SOrry kalo akak orgnya.
saya rasa saya org no 2~
apa maksud?
x complicated la, it is common courtesy. when u ask a question or say something: you expect a response. Hidup perlu menghormati orang lain dan nilai yang ada pada org lain. Jangan takut untuk berubah dan jangan berhenti bermuhasabah diri ;)
bukan akak la..kalau dah both parties da faham conversation is over, xpe la. ni tgh2 bercakap boleh plak pegi minum teh ais n makan nasi kari or pegi main jongkang-jongket kt padang, yang kita ni plak tunggu mcm apa. kan ntahapaapa tu?
these are my pet peeves, xde la tuju kt sesapa. masa tulis ni, ada jg yg terbayang tp bukan la awk. ni masa tulis ni geram kt someone in particular~huhuhu
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