Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A piece of me, anyone?

If all through the day all you can think about is how to get your next meal, where to sleep tonight and whether tomorrow you have to think about this all over again... how would you find the time to think about other things?
This is why poverty strips the people of the chance of realizing its full potential. They are thinking about how to survive the next day, so they don't give a damn about the rest of the world. If it is hard to even stand up, how in the world could we move forward?


If all your days are filled with reminders of unfinished work, unmet deadlines and constant nagging of superiors...how could we think about anything else but work?
This is why people engrossed in only one thing in life would only get what they busted their asses for. These people won't or can't even spare a minute for their hobbies or anything they like doing: reading a good book or writing a good entry in their blog. In their minds, these "minor" things is dwarfed by the desire to excel in their chosen fields.

But I want more. I need more.

Sometimes, I feel guilty. I can't seem to balance my life to include all required elements that would make my life whole. I don't blame anyone, it is my failure and my failure alone.
I cant seem to multitask! How to plan my life in such a way that it'll be balanced?
Sometimes I see myself like a pie: I would cut myself into little pieces and give it out for everyone that wants me. Right now, I don't know who's getting the biggest piece.

What every element (family, self, work) demand from me is not anything more than what they should get from me. What they want is something that I should give them in the first place; they should not even have to ask it from me in the first place because it is my duty, my responsibility to them. Them: family, supervisor, friends, self.
Pada diriku ada hak- hak mereka yang perlu aku tunaikan untuk mereka.
Janganlah diriku ini sampai zalim: meletakkan sesuatu bukan pada tempatnye; memberi atau menahan sesuatu bukan pada yang sepatutnya.

Ya Allah, peliharalah diriku dari itu. Amin.


n said...


"Kayuh pelan2 ok"

Ice Rose Princess said...


shasha said...

always remember that "THERE'S ALWAYS TIME FOR EVERYTHING".so u can still go shopping despite having an unprepared presentation the next day...
p/s:a piece of advice coming from someone who also having prob with time management so take it with a pinch of salt!hehehehe

Ice Rose Princess said...

yeah, in other words: There's always room to PARTY! hahaha