Monday, November 23, 2009

Subdued light of the heart

Whether you call my heart affectionate, or you call it womanish: I confess, that to my misfortune, it is soft.

~Ovid (BC 43-AD 18) Roman poet.

Yesterday I watched Twilight.
With all the talk going on and constant mention by Aini, it's impossible to hold off from it.
The movie was ordinary but I think that to truly understand the story we have to see it from the author's narrative: that is by reading the book.
But I'm thinking that if I were to read it, I'd start wishing again. I never even finished Ayat-ayat Cinta because of the same reason. The book is there, I do want to read it, but I don't think I can take it.
So I'd settle with the movie, for now. Even just by watching the movie I was moved by the character Edward Cullen (Aini, I totally get it now why you're so in love with him! I am too! haha), so by reading the book I know I'd fall for a fictitious character.
I don't know why gazillion other girls fall for Edward, but for me it's because of the fact that he actually wants to be with Bella with such intensity in a way that seem to me not degrading himself as a guy. It is as if he is truly sincere. He actually wants to hear her stories, being genuinely interested and caring. Loving her in the only way he knows how: Vampire-style :p
Haha, I think I'd stop now. This is getting ridiculous ;)

p/s: I have a sudden urge to go to the beach, even if I know the monsoon season is ongoing now. I like staring out the horizon, seeing the waves come to the sand to break into tiny white bubbles. The end nowhere in sight and possibilities are endless. By the ocean, worries float away as time stood still. Hopes and prayers are sent above to set the heart free from the ties of the world that hold it down.
Yes, I miss the ocean.


'Aini said...

OMG! welcome to the club, my dear :D hehe. I'm so glad tht I manage to influence you.. hehe. pls, pls, pls read the book. the movie was a total disaster. I'm so going to demand for a remake :D

Hani said...


banyak beach kt sini. cherating ade, teluk chempedak ade. marilah marilah =)

Ice Rose Princess said...

haha, never thought I'd b a Cullen fan too.
mayb the latest installment of the saga is better, we'll see ;)

haha, mayb some of these days i might just hit the beaches there :D rasa lamaaa sgt x pg pantai

'Aini said...

lisa. NM is a whole lot better than twilight. T tak ikut buku, NM ikut buku juz like the fans love :D

'Aini said...

about the beach.. pls come down to penang.. the beach is OK even during this time :D

Si Lili Ni said...

Ada ke betul2 some1 yg mcm edward... Pastu ada ke org yg bole tahan temptation mcm edward? Kalau ada sila bg tau.... Sy nak tanya sesuatu kepada anda! Keh keh keh.

Ice Rose Princess said...

rasanya xde la org yg mcm edward, he exist only in dreams n fantasy formed by wishful thinking.
yg bleh tahan temptation tu rasanya ada, but very few and far between.
tp, just sbb nk tau, nk tanya apa sbnrnye?
gaya tanya da mcm tau jawapan je? :p

Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.

Ice Rose Princess said...

dear anonymous,
I don't know what I've done to save it but you're welcome :)