Thursday, May 20, 2010

I wonder, can someone forget how to live?

It's been awhile since I've posted anything remotely useful here. Back in the day I used to go on and on about the things that cross my mind as I seem to have an opinion on everything. Now this web space is filled with indicators of the ups and downs of my erratic patterned moods.
Not a very pleasant thing, I know, especially for some that come looking for a sparring of ideas or changed perspective.
However, I want to state now that when the capacity of the mind is spent on endless acrobatics of mental processes that goes hand in hand with postgraduate study that by the end of the day the very essence of life seem to seep away from your being, then there is none left to ponder on other things. This is why usually you see PhD candidates and sometimes even MSc candidates move around like zombies, mumbling incomprehensibles and often only communicate using eye movements and facial expressions. Most energy is spent in the head, you see. Everything else only runs with the bare minimum.
But I'm thankful that finally my life isn't devoured fully by my responsibilities of completing my thesis. Slowly but surely I'm chipping away at the high walls around me and I think I saw a light shining somewhere. I try to make time for other things because I think that to put a part of life on hold while tinkering on another is not a very good idea. It'd be hard to catch up on life because it moves with time, it never stops just because you tell it to. So never let it pass you by because who knows, maybe you'd be out of practice and have to do it all over again. Living, I mean, not the thesis haha ;)


'Aini said...


Ice Rose Princess said...

haha, thanks! :)