I don't know about you, but writing it like that "Bersih 2.0" makes me think of some kind of software. Or a detergent. Maybe the detergent thing is what the organizers aim for...
All of these events and the plethora of information from both sides could easily confuse anyone. There is always two sides of a story, everything could be interpreted to fit any emotion, to fit any aim.
So among all these shades of meaning, wherein lies the truth?
The answer would vary according to whom I ask, because their views are entirely unique and subjective. If I were to do a questionnaire about this and examine the reasons for their answer, the resulting data would be a nightmare of uncontrolled variables that would scare the living daylights of a statistician. Furthermore, all of them would give me information or tell the something that they have gone through themselves.
"They are really after their own gains"
"They misused their power"
"The election results were rigged!"
"They won't give you progress, they are just pining for a seat in Putrajaya"
"All of them are reckless, always disturbing the peace"
"We were not armed, we demonstrated in peace. Then suddenly they barge in and hit us with a tomato"
...or any variants of these.
Don't worry, I believe all of you. I believe that if each of you were to take a polygraph test, all would pass with flying colors. I believe that you wholeheartedly believe what you told me, and yes, you did not make that up. Everything is undiluted truth.
So whose side am I? Well, that would ruin the fun of guessing :p
However, what all of these made realize is that all of us are in dire need of a real hero. Someone with a clear mission that could not be misinterpreted or have multiple shades of meaning. In the olden days, the heroes are clear. They fight for a clear cause without any hope of getting any benefits from their battle. It is because what is right or wrong is clear cut. Plus, the ones actually shouldering the responsibilities of a leader are truly deserving of the title. They do not covet the title, they rather not bite more than they can chew because they know that they will be put to task and answer for everything that was under their influence and power.
Try doing a checklist of an ideal leader. Who fits all of these qualities now?
I fear that we have arrived to a time when what is right and wrong has so blended together that you can't tell anymore which is which. To stay away from sin is almost impossible because no one can discriminate the truth from the "harmless white lies".
How to choose between two evils? I believe that neither side meant malice, they started with good enough intentions. But then things get out of hand, good intentions gets muddled with greed for personal gain or anything that wasn't supposed to mix together. Like they say,
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
So each side has their own valid arguments, they have their own grain of truth and their own skeletons in the closet. If we we choose to not side with anyone, that would just be irresponsible. However, is it permissible to hold judgment until they eradicate the contaminants to their cause?
I wonder, where are the ones who know better? Where are the ones who are strong enough to stand up and fight injustice? Where are all the scholars, the fighters, the orators, the builders? Are all of you shamed into silence?
Please, mend your weakness with a purging of the soul. Or at least, rekindle your desire for justice and truth. We are all in dire need of a hero and a clear cause to fight.
Can't you see, all are thirsty for a fight for justice? Go and make a demo everywhere. Or condemn the demo whenever the other other party does it. This thirst for standing up for your rights is a natural instinct. This is why everyone is so eager to make their stand, to make their opinions count. But if the opinions are based by structured lies by both parties to cloud over the eyes of their supporters, what is the use?
Right now, all I see is two mobs that simply want to fight. All they do is bicker, each saying that their cause is more holy. Too much drama. And of course the rest of the world would misunderstand.
I don't know about you, but I don't really trust people who talk too much and most of it just defending their stance. And I personally think "rakyat" is the most overused word for these past few years. I feel mocked. Maybe because I voted during the last elections, so what happens is kinda personal. What I want is for both sides to clean up their act and be serious for a change.
No more drama with endless episodes please!
*Hero by Nickelback playing in the background*
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