Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Let's go!

Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.
~J.R.R. Tolkien
Tomorrow insyaAllah me and a couple of my friends would be going to Krabi, Thailand.
I really hope everything goes well, I hope we will all be happy.
Leave all the problems here for a while but take with us the memories of loved ones.
This trip for me is not only a holiday, but more like a test. Can I take care of myself as I like to think I can?
I don't want to be fooled by the illusion of overconfidence. A measure of fear would keep me on my toes, but won't paralyze me. This is something I've been waiting for so long, it's like breaking free of the things that mess up my heart.
This is not a guided tour, we're basically our own navigators. Fixed plans were kept on a minimum, it's all about flexibility. The only fixed plan so far is that we will make riding an elephant a must. That's about it. Sometimes I think we're crazy, because all of us come from a scientific background: used to the things that are structured and can be figured out easily. But the way we're planning this (or not planning?) it's so different and it's exhilarating!
It reminds me of the journey of Frodo and Sam in that epic tale. Both discovered parts of themselves that they never knew existed. Maybe we're all capable of everything, but at different levels and on different times. To really know the person you see in the mirror everyday, you have to make available the opportunities that would make them shine.
Ok, now suddenly this reminds me of Hulk. You know that Hulk only comes out when there is a need, a provocation that set off the transformation to Hulk. Mind you, I am not suggesting that you go become a monster when someone makes you angry. What I mean is that sometimes things happen that would make you become something you never knew you could. It doesn't have to be negative provocation, hopefully a positive simulation would cause the transformation into a better person. So when you travel, you never can know where you'll end up, what are the things that have to be dealt with and who knows who would you become? (Not Hulk I hope).
So let's go! The world is too big to be stuck at one place anyway ;)

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