Thursday, September 08, 2011

Slayed by time

I just got the tentative date for my viva.
It's 10th October 2011, insyaAllah.
I'm surprised because each time I tell this to people, they clap their hands, put a big smile on their faces and say heartily, "Congratulations!"
I am not particularly happy. I'm just 20% relieved that I'm finally on the road to end this journey and 80% terrified that I would mess up.
I hope, pray, beg that all would turn out alright.

So to make myself more terrified, let's do a bit of mathematics.

24 hours per day that consist of:
5 hours: sleep (why is sleep the first thing? this is surely not a good sign :p)
3 hours: eating and other essential daily activities (like praying, bathing)
3 hours: other nonessential daily activities (like driving, washing the dishes)
3 hours for PROMISE. The supervisors forbid us from doing any more thesis-related work during office hours so they're piling center-related work on us now.
~ I can't think of anything else right now but it is safe to say that there is approximately 10 effective working hours that have to be used to the maximum (hope, pray, beg).

10th Oct 2011 is 32 days away.
4 days I'm going to Krabi for a holiday getaway (I brought the tickets in February and so I had no idea this would happen)
That leaves 28 days.
Let's allocate 4 days for maintenance of sanity (believe me this is essential). My supervisor likes to say that PhD really means "Permanent head Damage." So maybe we'll find out after 10th Oct won't we?
24 days remain.
That is 24 days x 10 hours = 240 hours = 10 days
Just over a week!

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