Saturday, August 27, 2016

Bending the river

What a challenging day it has been today.
I've experienced first hand, several times, how difficult it is to be the one to bend the river.
The river has been flowing for so long in the wrong direction, that some lands were laid barren. It's supposed to flow there too, but somehow something  (probably beavers) have been rerouting the river by making a dam to suit their needs, defying the law of nature.
So I changed it.
The beavers were struck mad I tell you, hurling so many accusations that sometimes amazes me. I am baffled, how could you not see that what you are doing is so wrong? If it's easy doesn't make it right. Just because it was like that before doesn't mean it has to be so now. When something is wrong and you get away with it, even after a thousand years it won't be right. Whatever your reasons, ignorance or cunning, are destroyed by one truth: it is wrong.
So excuse me as I continue to bend the river. The route before is wrong and it has to be set right. Even if your assaults are relentless, this is what gives me conviction: this mandate is mine to carry and answer for before my God. Therefore only the best will do. Only the truth will do. Nothing else.

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