Thursday, February 19, 2009

Something to fill ur time: another tag!

It’s harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag people(if u noticed missing words... sorry tend to ignore rules i can't follow). Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real; nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.

My name starts with the letter W

1. What is your name : Wan R

2. A four Letter Word : Wrap

3. A boy’s Name : Walter

4. A girl’s Name : Wanie

5. An occupation : Waiter

6. A color : Warm Red

7. Something you’ll wear : Washed clothes (hahaha, yes, I'm cheating :P)

8. A food : Wasabi

9. Something found in the bathroom : Water (duhh!)

10. A place : Wonderland (where Alice lives)

11. A reason for being late : Waking up late

12. Something you’d shout : Weh, ape ni?!

13. A movie title : Wild wild West

14. Something you drink : Winter melon (only once bcoz super duper thirsty and I hope I never have to again)

15. A musical group : Westlife

16. An animal : Worm

17. A street name : Westside Street (somewhere in the world there must be a road by this name)

18. A type of car : Wagon

19. The title of a song : Where do broken hearts go?

I'm tagging


Just^me said...

hahaha...apesal nama 'girl' itu ada di situ?? nama tu dh di patternkan...maka anda disaman sebanyak sebatang aiskrim@ sebatang coki2 @ kedua2 sekali. kegagalan anda untuk membayar denda akan disabit kan hukuman penjara selama infiniti tahun! (ada takot? :p)

DreamCatcher said...

layak ke worm tu jadi animal... (so very not nice of me, discriminating against worms)

Ice Rose Princess said...

To Invisible^third^eye
- da berniat nk jelaskn saman, tapi da sendiri termakan plak huhuhu. so sebab 1st offender, kira dimaafkan aje la k? (sambil buat muka cute+innocent) hehehe

To DreamCatcher
- dari segi evolusi, kira worm tu la mcm ancestor semua animal. dah terlebih layak dah.. :P