Friday, November 06, 2009

Washing dirty laundry in public ain't sexy

Sometimes I am disillusioned: I somehow still think that my blog is not of interest to anyone but a few. However, due to the recent enlightenment on cybersecurity I made the decision of screening the contents of my life and thoughts that I dump in here.
Actually I think of this blog as an outlet to dump all the trash messing my mind. So, in a moment of indiscretion I could potentially put me and the ones around me in danger.
Such is the power of the written word: it could be twisted and viewed in multiple perspectives to achieve a purpose.
So, the result is a sister blog here.
What is most unique and appealing about blogging at is that I can password-protect selected posts. So, whenever I have potentially damaging things to say about the world around me, I can password protect it! ;)
And I also uploaded all the things I wrote since I was first introduced to the blogging world. I never thought that it has been a long time: I've been blogging for 4 years now! (yes, compared to others I am relatively new. but still, I never thought it's been 4 years already :p).
I think that I will not abandon this one just yet as I haven't get used to the features and I'm still trying to navigate my way through wordpress.
So that is all: a creation of another blog.
What will happen next? Change is the only constant ;)


Just^me said...

wahh berpindahh ke rumah baru :)

'Aini said...

u r leaving this blog?

Ice Rose Princess said...

eye n 'aini,
no, at least not yet.
I still have an attachment to this one: we've been together so long. Plus, I'm still learning how to get around at wordpress.
I'm doing this because, as evidenced by the occasional outburst of uncontrolled ramblings it is not wise to tell all in a public domain. So many people can take advantage of the situation, blackmail me with information or even derive untold satisfaction in my misery or stupidity.
So it is good to filter and screen the things I tell and show the world.
Not all people have crystal clear intentions.
So I just made a sister blog at for me to put the things I want to keep private but need to let out.
So if u want to know the mundane things I rattle on about, just ask me for the magic word ok? ;) haha

'Aini said...

Hmm.. somewhat true.. But please give us a heads up before you pindah rumah, k :D

Anonymous said...

nice read. I would love to follow you on twitter.

Ice Rose Princess said...

dear anonymous,
thanks :)