Thursday, January 06, 2011

Pseudo lyrics

I was driving in my car when I sang along to a song in the radio.
It was Shontelle's Impossible.
It is actually a song for the frustrated in love, conceding defeat in love due to misplaced hopes and impossible illusions.
And there I was, singing my heart out with such feelings that you'll start to think, "hey, is she singing about herself?"
But then, after the words:
Falling out of love is hard
Falling for betrayal is worst
I stopped.
Because I sang:
Falling out of love is hard
Falling out a trailer's worse
But seriously I think my version has more truth in it,
Falling off a trailer is definitely worse, especially when you are not a trained stunt man/woman!


'Aini said...

Erm. Amazingly, I never listen to this song Impossible. Definitely my story, Lisa. Each lines. But Alhamdulillah I have passed the worst part ^____^

Falling out of love is hard
Falling for betrayal is worst
Falling out a trailer...? That is an ICU. Hehehe~

Ice Rose Princess said...

haha, so falling out a trailer is definitely worse la kan? at least the other one doesn't immediately admit u to an ICU :D

'Aini said...

Hehe. Ya. Falling out of trailer is worse. ^__^