Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Futile angst

It's 4.14 am now. I've just finished making the outline for my progress report scheduled this Wednesday. I really need to brush up my Matrix-style bullet dodging skills as I anticipate that it's going to be a tough presentation.
The "weather" has not been very good these days you know. Nevertheless, this is a lame excuse to be discouraged. Let em soak in their blue world alone, no need to get sucked in it too. I have work to do.
However, 2011 opened with celebration :)
I went with my cousins, my sis and her husband to PD for a beach holiday. It was God-sent, because only He knows how much I needed the break. It shed light on different perspectives of thought. Remember the last time I told you that there's something in my mind? Now I am convinced that it was really just me needing strength for conviction that decisions are mine but fate is divine.
That is why I love the sea so much. Maybe it is something in the soft breeze, brave waters and wide horizons that makes everything so different.
Ok, enough about me.
I stumbled on this interesting article> Angry at God? If so you are not alone
What do you think?
Particularly, this paragraph:
Some people see God as ultimately responsible for such events, and they become angry when they see God's intentions as cruel or uncaring. They might think that God abandoned, betrayed, or mistreated them
God is such a convenient outlet for some people. No one to blame, so blame it on God. Somehow, the self is released from any responsibility of life and whatever happens is of course, God's fault.
Such simplistic thinking.
Let's go through this step by careful step.
Firstly, establish the fact that Allah is the All-Encompassing. He is the Provider for everything, from Him all things come and to Him everything returns. Nothing is ever ours, even your soul is on loan. If it is yours, then you'll have some degree of command over it like controlling when you live or die. But of course you don't.
Secondly, that Allah will do whatever He wants. If He wants it to be a certain way, there is nothing that can change or stop it. If it is meant that you are to have something there is no one that can make it otherwise and vice versa.
Ok, tell me, is that enough?
So, if we just stop there is the definition of who Allah is to us, then surely there is truly no one is to blame except Allah. You have nothing, nothing you do is ever independent from the will of Allah. So how can you ever be held responsible for anything? It was never your will or intention to be what you are. Shoving the responsibility to live aside and all the burden of the impact of your choices placed on another, one has to wonder why are we created at all if just to be empty puppets in a grand comedy show?
No wonder you feel angry at God for dealing you such a lousy card in this game of life. You feel that because Allah has the power over all things, He is deliberately holding back from giving you what you feel you deserve. In your mind, you have done everything and there is absolutely no reason, except that God hates you, that you can't have your way.
Easy losing focus on life that way. No purpose or reason left if whatever we try in this lifetime is controlled by a mean higher power.
However, having faith is not to drive you out from a life of purpose. Being religious is not based on blind faith or just steadfastly holding on the positive side of religious life, we are not wired to function that way.
There must be more to this. That can't be all. This existence can't all be a joke, right?
Another crucial aspect that we have to remember is that Allah does everything with hikmah, with wisdom.
[And] who created seven heavens in layers. You do not see in the creation of the Most Merciful any inconsistency. So return [your] vision [to the sky]; do you see any breaks? 67:3
Everything has its turn, its orbit where it moves so that nothing ever clashes into the other. A change something will drive an adjustment from something else. An event is never solitary, it always occur in chains of reasons so intricate that our minds can't begin to comprehend even the most simple of associations. A cascade of events that fall from a defining moment or any moment for that matter will never be in vain or happened "just-because".
Allah does not rule like the iron fist of dictatorship where everything is set in stone and unyielding to those who need mercy. Everything has its sequence, remember? And we can always ask from Him for our heart's desire. It is just that you have to remember that Allah owes you nothing. It is you who are indebted, so aren't you ashamed demanding more from whom you owe so much?
It is a blessing that Allah is not like us humans. We tire of people who are always begging for things, hates people who are ungrateful and detest neediness. But we are his weak subjects and He wants us to ask from Him. He is, after all, the Most Compassionate and the Most Merciful.
So cease being angry. It gets you nowhere worthwhile. You're better off being close to Him to get you through whatever you are going through.
That is, after all, the only way.

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