Saturday, January 02, 2010

2009: One hand in my pocket and everything's fine ;)

Lyrics | Alanis Morissette lyrics - One Hand In My Pocket lyrics
I'm tired like a dead fish.
Hehe, nevertheless I'm happy because it's 2010, people! hahaha
I'm happy because I like a major change now and then. I like it when things start to feeling stagnant and stuffy, suddenly a big wave of change come and wash it all away and I have ample room to start all over again.
Like the Japanese in the novel Shogun by James Clavell: they build paper houses because the ground they live on is always catastrophically destroyed by earthquakes. So everytime it shakes and bring them to the ground, they always build their houses again with patience and a silent understanding, a new home have to be built after the old one has gone. It is just something that has to happen, so just embrace it ;)
Looking back at 2009, it certainly have its own flavor and it leaves a bittersweet aftertaste. Overall, the past year has been the most challenging in my career path and also financially. However, it's been a very good year for family related matters even if it stinks in my personal love life.
As far as personal development goes, I think I've grown as a person. For instance:
I'm more in control of my rebellious streak even though it put me in fire sometimes. Especially in lab meetings :p
I'm more cool headed and surprisingly decisive.I've just found this one out during HKWCJ 12:I've never had so many people shouting and screaming at me at the same time until their faces turn red and I can almost see smoke rising from their noses and ears. But it's part and parcel of being the Games committee, you know protests are inevitable. You just got to hold your ground, believe in yourself and make sure your team is in full support of you. That is of the essence and actually I couldn't believe we managed to pull through ;)
Tawakal is important. As Alanis quite aptly said:
What it all boils down to is that no one's really got it figured out just yet
I've had moments when I feel most alone in the world, the most poor, the most wrecked. But hey, I know it's always just a phase and those kind of things don't last. Things have a way of working out to be the best in the end.
Life ain't like the movies and it would not leave you hanging. All things will end, we just have to believe that the beginning of something else is coming right after that.
So, the most important thing to remember is to put a big smile on you face and say, Hello 2010! :)


'Aini said...

Happy new year 2010, my dear~

Ice Rose Princess said...

thanks and may it be a good year ahead for you too :)