Saturday, January 09, 2010


Silence by ~donjuki on deviantART

Sometimes the things that play in my head are hard to put into words.
Speech is also not an option as it fails me more than written letters ever do.
So I sit in silence, in hope that by a miracle, mutual understanding is found and your truth is the same as my truth..whichever one is the better.


'Aini said...

Sometimes I wonder, if I manage to put into words stuff in my mind, would the world explode... Hm... Pretty-hazardous mind :)

Ice Rose Princess said...

haha, sometimes its frustrating that word couldn't convey what's in the heart n mind..but maybe it's just because the world isn't ready for it haha :p

'Aini said...

Hehehe. Yeap, the is not ready yet. Cheer up my dear. U have found another human with the same issue :)