Sunday, February 14, 2010

I googled 26

yes, today I'm supposed to be toiling away extracting RNA that's due for report on Monday. But wth. I'm gonna do it tomorrow, seriously :p
However, i find myself googling 26, which is a significant number for me this year as I was born on 26th Jan and I'm turning 26 years old this year.
Some things I find interesting about this number is:
1. Pierre de Fermat proved 26 is the only single number between a square (25 = 52 ) and a cube (27 = 33 )
Hahaha, c'mon, "the ONLY single number". 26 is sure special :p

2. A rhombicuboctahedron has 26 sides.
I didn't realize that such a polygon exists.

3. The number 26 is the atomic number of iron
...and the fact that I have iron deficiency is just so ironic.

4. 26 is the "joke throw" in the game of darts, where a player throws 20, 5 and 1 when aiming for 20 (or treble 20). In professional darts, throwing 26 usually results in sneers or laughter from the audience.

5. Precipitevolissimevolmente with 26 letters is the longest word in the Italian language. it means "as fast as possible"
6. There are 26 letters in the alphabet and there's even an association called 26, which is an association for people with love of words.
I wonder, is this the reason I like reading and writing? huhuhu, nonsense :p

7. 26 January is Australia Day
I must go there sometime
Oh, and I have the same birthday as Ellen DeGeneres. So as a parting quote, this is what she said:
The good psychic would pick up the phone before it rang. Of course it is possible there was noone on the other line. Once she said "God Bless you" I said, "I didn't sneeze" She looked deep into my eyes and said, "You will, eventually." And damn it if she wasn't right. Two days later I sneezed.
~Ellen DeGeneres, My Point and I Do Have One

Enjoy your holidays, everyone! :)


'Aini said...

My dear.. I love this post, so much! I'm Google-ling 13... :)

Ice Rose Princess said...

haha, thanks :) so wht did u find?