Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The point of anything

What we feel isn't important. It's utterly unimportant. The only question is what we do. If people like you don't learn from what happened to people like me, then what the hell is the point of anything?
~The Reader 2008

What is really the point of anything?
We live and see other people die and then we follow. There is no end to that cycle. The dead would be succeeded by the living.
Don't we ever learn from that cycle?

I don't know, but for me I think all of the problems plaguing the world or ourselves today are not new problems at all. It is always either caused by greed or impatience or foolishness or disillusionment or negligence or apathy or some other basic emotion ( I could go on with these basic state of humans but I think you get the message, eh?)
Someone, somewhere must have been through the exact same thing one time or another because of more or less the same reason. So after we leave from being one state of existence to another, why don't we ever learn from our surroundings, from other people's experiences and avoid the things that are proven time and again as wrong and futile?
We are supposed to be the only ones among the creatures of the earth to be able to learn so well and invent things so that we can destroy them at another time with another great invention. But why do we keep wasting our time going through the things that other people have known as mistakes?
I noticed the general nature of our problems because when I watch a movie or hear a song or read a book, I can identify with them. Why are we able to identify with the problems or situations of people so far apart from us that sometimes we don't even know how the sun looks like when it set at the other side of the world? It is because we are not that different. It is frustrating to see the same ol' problems/ situations treated as if it is so novel. C'mon, you're trying to tell me that in all of the 4.6 billion years (give or take 0.1 billion :P) since earth came to being, someone hasn't come across that before? Someone, somewhere, somehow would know how to fix it.
I am not talking about the problems that came about as technology and knowledge advances: I am saying that the root, the innermost cause of effect, what is left after the problem/situation is stripped of all its fancies and just laid bare for all to see is essentially the same across times, across continents.
Even ancient love stories, legends and the melodies seem so familiar. If we are different, all of those things would be foreign, and we'll seek to understand. But often there is no need for that, everything is universal. There are no races or color, there is only human. And that human hasn't changed much to be really considered as different.


Life is not complicated, we are complicated. The solution is always so simple that it is easy to overlook it. The answer is so clear that sometimes we get suspicious and insist of looking for other options, we are thickheaded that way (yes, me included :p).

I think this is why the Quran is very universal and it is still relevant until today even though during the olden days there were never any comprehension about the effects of globalization. It is the word of God, our Creator. So definitely the Creator would know everything about the creation. However, as the solution is given to us, so simple a thing as just living in line with the true path, we tend to overlook it and not even consider it. It's like someone giving you a bag of gold coins: you can't believe your luck that you have to think that maybe the guy's lying and the gold must be fake or stolen from somebody. But what if it is really a real gift that would put you out of your sorry state?

People always insist they are different, that each of our problems are bigger than the world put together. However, what we feel is utterly unimportant when contrasted with the universe and the natural cycle of things.
Will we ever learn?

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