Thursday, September 02, 2010

Bare moment

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant
~Robert McCloskey
Is it possible to reveal to much?
But what frustrates me is that sometimes I feel sorely misunderstood. I hate that because I don't really have the time or even the patience to explain what I mean in the truest sense.
I don't think they want to hear anyway, because it sends a thrill down the spine whenever we believe that we understand something, more so than the person in question.
I don't know. But to be laid bare, in front of stranger's eyes, stripped from your defenses: all that I can muster is clammed up silence.
In my head I prayed: let this moment pass.
And it passed. May it be left in that moment, without another mention.


f!zV said...

hey, what happend?

Ice Rose Princess said...

hari tu geram coz ada org suka buat assumption macam2 yang x betul. xpela, walopun niat die baik, tapi menggeramkan. nnt la, bile jumpa ko, aku update. tp xde apa2 pun.
ko cuti bile ni? jom jumpa! :)