And I also notice that emotions sometimes have a physical effect. Like when you're angry, the anger wells up like a burning fire in your heart. Or like when you're sad and the throat constricts so much that it is difficult to breathe and speak.
Words too have the same effect.
Like hearing a bad news, the persons affected shoulder's involuntarily slump and the back bent as if bearing a great burden. They are only carrying their hearts you know, in sadness it becomes too heavy that the body cannot take it. Or when you're sparring with the ones around you, the words cut like a knife. Suddenly the atmosphere that was heated before becomes an icy silence. And all you wish for is to go to another place where you're free of all these things that tie you down.
But it is not only for the sad emotions, the happy ones have physical effects too.
Like when you're silently happy and content your face will glow and the cheeks become rosy. Or when you're ecstatic the hearts feels like its gonna leap out and tell the world why it is so happy about.
It's all part of your body language I suppose. The body can never lie. As the eye is the window to your soul, the rest of your body is also testament to your true intentions, your true emotions.
No wonder when we are judged in the hereafter, the mouth is kept shut. There is really no need for its lame reasons and rationalizations as the rest of our being would be a far honest witness with no underlying agenda.
However, keep this truth just as a reminder. Not as an ammo for judging people. You could never decipher the signs and decode the message of their intentions as we are weak and have no knowledge of the soul of others. Believe me, all the guesswork will just make you bitter. You're better off asking them the answers to your whys. Miscommunication is almost always the cause of our wars anyway.
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