Showing posts with label harapan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label harapan. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2019

Harapan tak seharusnya melemahkan

Sekembang bunga ditapak tangan,
Dihulur ikhlas kepada teman,
Tak sedar ia meluka genggaman,
Durinya masih beri cengkaman

Mata berkilau menyalahkan takdir,
Salahkan bunga masih berduri,
Terus dibunuh rasa yang hadir,
Demi melindung hati sendiri

Yang memberi terpana rasa,
Rupanya dia terluka juga,
Duri bunga terasa biasa,
Tidak mahu melukakan jua

Akhirnya bunga hancur binasa,
Keduanya hilang takdir bersama,
Berjalan terus menyusur masa,
Tetapan hidup harus terima

Andai kita bertemu semula,
Semoga hati dikuatkanNya,
Mencuba lagi untuk bermula,
Mencabar takdir ketentuanNya

~Nur_aqli, 2019

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Just for what is next.

That is indeed a special word. The translation is supposed to be 'sulk' but I don't think it really captures the meaning of merajuk.

How about 'jauh hati'?
That one would be more difficult to translate, difficult to explain. A direct translation would be 'distant heart'. Still it doesn't have the drama carried by the Malay version.

Malay language is heavy with emotion, maybe because the people are themselves usually hard to show emotion. We are craftful and have innate sense of what is beautiful. But we are always hiding behind words. Example would be like in the pantun or syair (the poems, or play of words in Malay). Whatever we say or do would never mirror what the heart truly feels. This is why our language have simpulan bahasa and peribahasa. Our words have intricate layers of meaning.

I am unsure if any of you would agree with me that the Malay people are hard to show emotion. But for me this is true. The true meaning of the heart is usually in our actions but the interpretation of actions are not universal. Therefore this leads to misunderstanding, as the language of the heart of another person is deciphered using the language of our own innate perspective, mind and feeling. The result is often wrong.
Such a toxic process. Detrimental to harmony.

What is sad is the cycle won't end anytime soon. It will go on and on and on, until something, someone, gives in.


One thing about giving in is the requirement to be as big as the ocean, in order to be able to neutralize everything that is thrown inside of it. Like a powerful buffer, like an incredible spring. Able to bounce back from anything that attempts to change it, to rise from anything that keeps it down.
I don't think anyone has that capacity naturally. That is why people say, "exercise patience". Like it is something that has to be practised in order to be good at it. For me, to keep a good attitude while waiting is a heavy burden upon the heart. It is particularly tugging when you're faced with constant reminders of what you lack. It is surprising how insensitive people could be.

This reminds me: I think everyone is greedy of their own happiness. No sharing, it is your sole responsibility to be happy, you see. Because to some people, happiness has a switch that can be turned on whenever we want. For these people, happy or not is your own choice.

Oh my, but what a hard choice. You have to heave your heart that weighs a tonne like a sack onto your back, then look up to move forward. All you need is an endless supply of hope which in turn powers your patience. So a good supply of hope means more patience.

But people say, don't get your hopes up.
I can't help it, my hopes will go up, shooting to the upward sky until suddenly it comes crashing down. Crashing down so hard that it blazes up in flames and disappear like it was never there before. So to ensure my hopes to not go up is a vain effort. No one, nothing except Allah controls the heart. The heart can do whatever it wants. I've given up trying to restrain it anyway. What I am focusing on is to shorten my downtime whenever that happens. I want to heal faster. That phoenix-like ability is what I am aiming for. This is because I understand that whatever is mine will be mine, and whatever isn't will never be even after thousands of years. So even if it kills me everytime I come crashing down, the flicker of hope will always ensure I come back.
All because of one thing: just to see what comes next.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Kelemahan insan adalah sesuatu yang pasti.
Kehidupan sentiasa berjalan, seperti sungai yang mengalir tanpa henti hingga akhirnya menumpah ke lautan.
Siapa yang mampu menahan aliran sungai itu?
Tetapi tertahannya aliran bukanlah sesuatu yang mustahil, asalkan dengan izin Allah.
Atau, apabila alirannya terhenti, siapa yang sanggup mengalirkannya semula?
Tiada. Jika hanya dengan kudrat insan.
Kesimpulannya, insan adalah lemah. Kalau insan itu kuat, kekuatan itu bukanlah dari dirinya sendiri.
La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billahil 'Aliyyil 'Azim
Persoalan yang berada difikiran, berkecamuk. Bercampur semuanya. Tiada yang mampu diungkapkan, hanya mampu dirasai.
Yang melihat pasti tidak akan memahami.
Tidak mengapalah...
Beban ini ujian. Ujian pasti ada hikmahnya kerana Allah tidak akan menganiaya hamba-Nya.
Peristiwa sehari- hari, bagai kosong, tiada meninggalkan kesan.
Mungkin kerana hati dan fikiran ditempat lain, jauh melayang dari tempat yang berada sekarang.
Seandainya kerisauan menjadi kenyataan, mampukah insan bermula semula?
Bermula semula dari titik yang ditinggalkan tadi.
Bermula semula, tapi dengan situasi dan keadaan diri yang sama sekali telah berubah.
InsyaAllah mampu..tapi pasti bukan dengan kudratnya sendiri kerana kalau diikutkan hati, pasti akan statik, tidak bergerak kemana- mana.
Tidak kedepan, enggan kebelakang. Ingin beku dalam saat itu, takut mengahadapi realiti.
Tapi itu tindakan bodoh. Itu tindakan putus asa.
Mana mungkin selamat jika melalui jalan yang dimurkai...
Merenung arah kehidupan kini, harapan itu ada. Harapan perlu ada.
Semua diserahkan padaNya yang Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk hamba-hambaNya.
Sesungguhnya insan itu lemah...