Showing posts with label reflections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reflections. Show all posts

Monday, May 25, 2009

End of the beginning of the end

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain all!

Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whomever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
I look at life and I notice that it's filled with new beginnings. Every morning is a new day, every hour a new minute, every Monday a new week. Something is always reborn, begin again. But with all the beginnings, there is always the ending. With all the new beginnings, something must end first, destroyed and be gone to make room for beginnings.
To start over, you must end what you're doing now.
Somehow, in my heart something has ended. An era where the future is all drawn up with sure career paths has now cease to exist. It has died, maybe long before I opened my eyes to realize it.
But as the end has passed like a shadow unnoticed by some, I am here trying to build on new beginnings. I'd hide it, never revealing that something has indeed begun. If I reveal it, there is a chance that storms would crash and end the dream. Leaving me barren.

Every stroke that color your future , the tones that move the present and the hues that stain your past should be cherished and accepted as necessary in building who you are. We are all in His plan: a plan that never goes awry or need change. It is us who have to change in order to accept what was given so that we'll deliver our purpose of existence.

The trials, tribulations and success is by essence a guidance handed down to us.

I'm always fascinated by the fact that on top of managing the universe, moving evolution, overseeing the whole world and filling history in such a way that I arrive to this day; Allah s.w.t still render it worthwhile to create and test me, a miniscule being in comparison to all that He has. To contemplate on that is terrifying. To know in your consciousness that you are never alone. Never.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you have to assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the smallest expenditure of intelligence
~Friedrich Nietzsche
I am heavily drugged today.
What with the array of drugs the doctor gave me, it shoots me right up to cloud nine. I have cough syrup, paracetamol, clarinase and even vitamin C. I thought it was nothing, as my temperature was only 38C yesterday (our normal temperature is 37C, so I thought: hey, it's just 1C difference!) so I was quite shocked with the array of drugs the doctor prescribed me.

So today I am groggy.
Suddenly I wonder why do people struggle to get high?

Life: people say is like a wheel, always going up and down. So I think that if it is just going up and never wanting to touch the ground is not life but a naive dream. Being high all the time is not life; merely letting your life slip away as you continue to exist, but not live.

People who are high will fall harder when they wake up to reality. The higher you are, the harder your fall will be. When high, the senses become numb but when sober the senses become ultrasensitive and the reality of the addict will crash down hard on them, making them wanting to get high again and be free of the tugging of life.

I think addicts are very sensitive to life; they even have an almost artistic view to life.

You see too much, and what you see you don't like. Then you opt to escape life the easy but cowardly way of popping a pill or downing cough syrup that will make you lose yourself. You try to be free of your destiny by totally ignoring it and refusing to take responsibility of driving your own life. Eventually it'll work: you'll lose yourself and fade away. Like dust, you mean nothing.

To try and find yourself again would be a challenge and few people have managed to hold themselves and prevent going down the abyss of nothingness. So don't try and go down that road; you'll never come back.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Brainwashed: The aftermath

Yesterday my labmates and I got brainwashed [you must work in a better way, what they did was for the best for all, they are good people...yada yada yada].
Did the session succeed? Well, I don't know.
As I see it, people tend to look at the same event with different lenses. So, because of this they see different things. Because of this simple reason I think the brainwashing session won't give the same effect to everyone.
To me, when I stepped into the room I bring with me a set of emotions, knowledge and past experiences that act as a lens for me to view the situation. Different people have different set of emotion, knowledge and experience so they possess lens that are different from me.
When I talked to some of my labmates, the conclusions they drew from the meeting was different from me; sometimes even something that I've never thought before.
From this experience I could see the importance of communication: each party MUST understand wth the other party is talking about and what is their true intention. This must be made clear and articulated clearly. It is even better to put it in writing so that things would not go out of focus.
If not, the grey areas left behind as loops between the blacks and whites of a situation would give ample room for speculation. Speculation leads to what? Distorted image and chaos in addition to needless hurt and tortured souls (sorry for the exaggeration :p ).
Surely, we don't want that in an organization. Otherwise, the organization would be weak. Like a house made of paper that would be destroyed when tested with just a gust of wind or a splash of rain. Gone.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Tell me: if you speak louder, does that make you right? Does advantage in the decibels of your voice make you more correct?
I know that.
However, it is hard to stand your ground when people are shouting and intimidating you to thrust their ideas into your head and make your walls crumble. This is a psychological war: the one with more mental strength would come out the victor but not necessarily prove they are right.
That is why when faced with a hostile opponent, distance yourself. Calm down, let them burn in their wrath alone. Don't get burned too.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Project title: LIFE

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night'
~Charles M. Schulz
What is the state of life I'm currently in?
I've always subject my actions and words to close scrutiny after end of each day. I'll evaluate and re-evaluate everything before going to bed each night.
Sometimes I don't even wait till the end of the day: I evaluate my actions and words right after the event. This means that I've always attempted to view my life with a helicopter-like perspective. To take a step back and be a stranger looking in a little window of my life.
Then, after I finish assessing my conduct, I'll move on to analyze and interpret the words and actions of others. Whether or not I agree with them, what are their motivations for saying/doing something, what are the reasons of their actions and how did I contribute to the situation. Ultimately, I use all of the information gathered after all the analysis to answer the question: What can I do to better myself?
I am not perfect, far from it. To be a perfect being, you need to experience everything. EVERYTHING. So in this short period of life that each of us is given, we can't have it all. It is impossible for a mere human to be perfect because all of us are certain to meet death.
So how?
I think the best that we can do is to be as perfect as humanly possible. We can take a leaf from someone else's book of life: learn their experiences, their mistakes, their strength, their successes, their story. Then, mirror that in your own life by picturing the possible pitfalls and the possible route to the top. However, don't forget to analyze yourself as well. If you're fooled once, thats OK coz you're a newbie. If you're fooled twice it's still ok coz maybe you're just careless. But thrice? Maybe you're bordering on stupid haha :p
You are, after all, the main subject matter in the experiment called "Your own Life". Don't fail the test!

...and this is definately going take more than one night.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Reflected dimensions

Tu je yang boleh cakap sekarang.
It has always puzzled me how people up front could be totally different from what they project themselves to be on screen, online.
But I shouldn't be too shocked, eyh?
It is the same when people you know for a fact that they are generally nice people (you never know them well enough to be sure) could be devils on the road.
Masa tu semua sumpah seranah, jampi serapah semua keluar. And I'd be glued stuck to seat, hanging on for dear life.

Kadang-kadang terkejut bile bace org curse online. Never thought that such foul words could come out that angelic mouth. Uh, stop. Memang x pernah keluar, taip je kan. Somehow they rationalize it to be different.

So now I'll repeat what my friend told me. I'll never stop being amazed at how true it is:
People have many different dimensions

So don't be fooled into thinking that you know somebody inside out, maybe you're only looking at only one of the many dimensions posessed by that individual. The dimensions are not always continuous like a sphere. Rather, I like to think personalities have sides like cubes or diamonds. What you see at one angle may not be the same as the other sides that you can't see. We all have our own dark secrets or just doesn't have to be a bad thing. Mind you, I am NOT talking of bipolar disorder or any mental diseases. The different dimensions that we have would work together synergistically to reflect our whole being. The colours that we shine forth from ourselves, as another beautiful unique colour in the world's canvas.
This is what makes us different and sets us apart from all the rest ;)

Monday, April 06, 2009

Mind transcension

If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
~Albert Einstein
Read this and this.
I am puzzled by the tendency of some people to theorize and judge everything. It's seems to me that when something is too big for them to understand, they'll break it down to little pieces just so that it could fit into their own little minds.
..sometimes when something so big is broken into something so small, the reality that is apparent and vivid when seen as a whole is lost and replaced by something far more inferior.
Why can't we accept that there are so much that we could not even dream to understand?
Why can't we see the beauty of not understanding, of not knowing something that is beyond the limits of our own mind?
Refusal to accept the fact that there is something much more, something much bigger that what is grasp by our understanding would hamper our progress because we are unable to overcome that one stumbling block that lay on our paths. Acceptance of the reality that there is a greater power would enable us to fly far beyond the reaches of our mind.
Where science fails, philosophy starts.
Where the senses weaken, faith grows stronger.

Answer me this: can a diamond be cut by something less than a diamond? Can a knife made from the hardest iron make even a dent on the diamond?
The answer is NO.
How can the mind, which is itself something created, figure out the Creator?
How can something so weak be attested to something greater?
If you are an honest person, you can't possibly defend this.

A scientist's job is to figure out the laws that govern the universe, complete with facts and evidence that can't be refuted. However, there is a tendency to deny and sideline everything that could not be explained simply because the mind can't take it. Could it be that when something goes against the accepted conventional wisdom and we judge it to be wrong, it really means that we are incompetent enough to not know the difference between false facts and false theories? How can we blame the evidence when the evidence is what is in front of us?

Too many questions unanswered, just because the answer is too damn obvious. It is an cowardly way out they say, to credit/blame everything to divinity.
But isn't it an easier way?
...this is getting too heavy. I got to stop now and leave all of you to your thoughts: wherever that may take you.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Someday we'll know

Lyrics | New Radicals lyrics - Someday We'll Know lyrics

Who is more affected by a heartbreak?
Who is more immune to rejected affection?
Who could bear the humiliation of placing your heart on the hands of others only to watch it being thrown away, stomped upon as if it is of no value?

Does being a girl or a boy would make a difference?

I think it doesn't. If you're broken, then you're shattered until you heal. The rate of you healing would depend on how much have you gambled with your one shot of finding a place in their hearts.

I always thought it as ironic that even when you give so much and risk everything for something, there is always a chance that you won't get anything. Sometimes you even lose all that you gave.

How can it be that the blessing of love is only given to only one in the supposedly 2 players in the game of love?
Where is the fairness of that situation?

Maybe love is not governed by the rules of fairness. They say, "All is fair in love and war". So maybe it is also true with the lack of love.

I pity with the person in this song. The reality of fixed love destinies are hard to accept and sometimes cruel in the lesson. Wanting someone hard enough won't make her yours. You have to move on: anything more than a year (in the song it's 2 years. Should it even be this long?) is really wasting your time. Why? Because the world won't stop just to wait for you to heal. You have to heal while moving on with life.

Give a little of your heart only to those who'll trade it with some of their own. There is no such thing as unconditional love for us mortals. Unconditional love is ultimately divine. I think it is not something we humans are capable of.

...well, at least someday we'll know whether or not this is true. If this ever happens to me, I hope I'll have the strength and grace to take my own advice.

Friday, March 06, 2009

To talk in riddles

Sometimes I feel like crying, but the tear never fall.
Sometimes my heart moves in such a way that it becomes hard to breathe.

I am sad to see my ideals being raped by people much powerful than me.
I am thankful that there are still people that believe in ethics and truth supremacy although I fear they are now few and far between.

Yes, I know I'm being a tad naive. But, isn't a dream is also a target? Ideals are not dreams, it is a target with potential to become reality.

Other people question my religion, trying relentlessly to strip it from what it is bit by bit.

Usage of specific words, challenging the context of religion interpretation and also discussing the suitability of Islamic regulations in today's world are just some of the intentional interference into my religion.
Are we so dumb that we can't organize and manage for our own? Do we need intervention from others to tell us what we must or must not do?
For you, your own religion. For me, my religion.
It's just that simple.

I long for the day when truth prevails.

Do you know that darkness results from the absence of light?
The degree of darkness depend on the intensity of the light.
You can make light shine brighter, but can you make the dark be darker?
We are now in darkness because we do not have the light. The light comes in the form of knowledge, not a bolt from the sky.
Allah would not help those who refuse to help themselves.

Kata- kata seorang ustaz yang aku tak tahu namanya:
Bila ahli kebenaran tidak mahu menyebarkan beritanya, maka ahli kebatilan lah yang akan menyebarkan syiarnya

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kemahuan membantu engkau menjadi manusia

Sini ada satu soalan: adakah ada beza antara tidak mahukan apa-apa dan puas dengan apa yang ada sekarang?
Bagi aku:
Kalau tidak mahukan apa- apa maksudnya bagi aku ialah tiada rasa untuk mempunyai apa- apa, tiada kemahuan untuk mencapai apa- apa. Tiada keinginan.
Tapi kalau puas dengan apa yang ada ialah mahukan sesuatu dan sudahpun mendapatkannya. Maksudnya kita ada keinginan untuk mempunyai apa yang kita ada sekarang dan merasa cukup dengannya. Keinginan sudah dipenuhi. Tidak perlu penambahan.

...Sebenarnya bila difikirkan, aku sebelum ni tak pernah merasa mahukan sesuatu. Benar- benar mahukan sesuatu dan bersedia untuk fokuskan kehidupan untuk mencapai matlamat, menguatkan diri untuk terus melangkah lebih hampir pada target ---> aku tidak pernah merasakan itu.
Sampaiah sekarang. Sekarang barulah aku tahu bagaimana rasanya mahukan sesuatu dengan sangat dashyat. Sebelum ni, tak sangka yang aku sebelum ni seperti orang yang tiada arah dalam hidup. Sebelum ni mencapai sesuatu atau tidak, tidak memberi kesan apa- apa sebab kemahuan itu belum cukup kuat untuk mampu mengecewakan aku.
Tapi sekarang, kemahuan itu sangat kuat, berlainan dari yang sebelum ini. Sampai kadangkala menakutkan aku sendiri.
Kerana kemahuan itu, segala tindakan terarah pada pencapaian matlamat. Semua yang dapat menjejaskan pencapaian itu akan gigih diselesaikan. Persistence. Endurance.

Kini aku merasa kagum dengan gabungan yang Allah menciptakan manusia: akal, nafsu dan hati. Setiapnya adalah elemen yang diperlukan untuk menjadikan hidup ini untuk mempunyai makna.

Tanpa salah satu, hilanglah erti hidup.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pertahankanlah jiwa kalian

Seandainya pada hari ini kalian masih tetap sengsara seperti ini, tanpa adanya perubahan yang bererti, nescaya nama baik kalian pasti hilang, rasa gentar yang ada pada musuh pula berganti menjadi berani. Oleh itu, pertahankan jiwa kalian
Tariq bin Aziz

Subhanallah, sangat bererti kata- kata ini. Siapa yang perlukan pujukan diwaktu hati mula goyah? Bukan pujukan yang diperlukan! Yang diperlukan ialah gesaan untuk kembali fokus pada target perjuangan. Mengapa buang masa memikirkan perkara yang telah lalu, keterlanjuran diri sendiri dalam meniti kehidupan. Setidak-tidaknya jangan jadikan kesengsaraan lalu sia-sia. Ambillah pengajaran!
Jangan tenggelam dalam kesengsaraan, nanti akan terbunuh kerana dunia dan seisinya pasti mahu menarik kau kebawah. Kau perlu bertahan!
Bagaimana cara kau bertahan, itu ikut suka kau.
Aku sendiri selalu perlukan time out bila peristiwa berlaku tidak seperti yang aku rancangkan. Pengorbanan hari cuti, pengorbanan masa dengan famili, pengorbanan masa untuk diri sendiri---nampak seperti sia-sia kerana tiada hasil. Kosong. Situasi hadapan seperti gerhana penuh kegelapan yang menelan semua cahaya. Gelap. Setelah berusaha macam nak gila, tetap tak jadi. Maka aku berikan diri sendiri time out, masa untuk berpisah sebentar dari perkara yang menyesakkan. Kadangkala menangis, namun itulah jua luahan kekuatan diriku. Ada orang mentafsirkan aku ini cepat putus asa kerana kadangkala aku bagai meminta untuk meminjam kekuatannya sebentar.
Sebenarnya mereka silap, aku tidak putus asa. Janganlah senang menghukum orang, tidak mungkin kau tahu lebih dari yang mengalami. Aku hanya tinggalkannya sebentar supaya aku boleh lebih bersedia untuk memikul beban itu kembali. Aku menangis bukan kerana aku lemah, tapi kerana mencari kekuatan dalam diri.
Itu cara aku, maafkan jika kamu semua tidak mampu memahami.
Kini aku cuma bertahan. Memikirkan jalan yang lain untuk sampai ke destinasi setelah nyata selama ini aku meniti jalan yang salah.
Tapi, aku juga silap, bodoh kerana mengharapkan kekuatan makhluk. Mereka enggan memberi, kerana hakikatnya mereka pun tiada apa-apa. Yang ada cuma ilusi kekuatan. Aku selalu lalai tentang ini. Mereka sesuatu yang dijadikan, maka itu bermakna kekuatan mereka hanya pinjaman.
La haula wala quwwata illa billahil 'aliyil 'Azim

Monday, December 22, 2008

No such thing as lucky

Do you believe there is such thing as coincidence? Luck?
I don't.
I used to but now I don't as I've thought about it for a while.
Yeah...I am one of those people that need to believe that everything happens for a reason and that what I am doing is somehow significant.
Too idealistic?
hmm..why not?
Do you seriously believe that the sun just "coincidentally" rise every morning after the moon?
Or that the food you ate just "coincidentally" digested itself from the complex and jumbled up mixture of chemicals to ultimately give you the strength to survive?
Seriously, if you know what's going on in your body, you'd be surprised that you survived at all if you applied the theory of coincidence to the basic function of digestion or breathing.
I think that to assume that everything is "coincidental" is quite a long shot, even impossible to the logical mind.
Ok, c'mon. Let us think about it a sec.
As an example, let's take something that we do everyday: eating.
Here you are, all ready to gobble up a heavenly delicious Prosperity burger from McD. You look at it, admiring the beef dripping with black pepper sauce and your sense of smell is taking up the aroma. All this while, your brain and other parts of your body is already working to respond to the burger (activating your saliva glands, releasing feel-good hormones, activating the move of your muscles etc.) and you haven't even eaten it yet!
Then when you've finally taken a bite, only God knows just how many processes and reactions are taking place in your body in a concerted way. It's like the ultimate orchestra. All of the processes are done by molecules that seem to know what they're supposed to do with the burger bite in order to turn it into something useful for the body.
Is it a coincidence that the right enzymes and molecules are released to deal with the burger? If we apply the theory of probability, then everything has a probablity to happen. There are an estimated 75,000 human enzymes in the body (according to wikianswers..yeah, I know. Very scientific :p) so every enzyme have a 1 in 75,000 chance to be excreted. But because there are other cues from the body to signal which are the right enzymes to be excreted, then digestion enzymes are excreted to deal with the burger, not growth enzymes or enzymes that trigger an allergic reaction (is there anyone allergic to a burger?).
But where does the cues come from?
Where does the cues for the cues come from?
Where does the cues for the cues for the cues come from?
And so on.
The human mind is so weak that it couldn't even have the answer to a simple event like reaction of the body toward a burger.
Ultimately, you have to believe that there is something greater than all of us. Something that reaches far beyond than what we even hope to imagine.
With knowledge, you can't help but rethink your existence. Be thankful that you're even alive today when so much things could go wrong.

p/s: Don't go further than you can, it'd make you crazy just thinking about it. Just leave it to the Almighty. Just take what you can handle, the others let it be ;)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Yesterday I watched the movie Untraceable (2008).

The tagline:
A cyber killer has finally found the perfect accomplice: You

Plot summary:
A secret service agent, Jennifer Marsh, gets caught in a very personal and deadly cat-and-mouse game with a serial killer who knows that people (being what they are - both curious and drawn to the dark side of things) will log onto an "untraceable" website where he conducts violent and painful murders LIVE on the net. The more people who log on and enter the website, the quicker and more violently the victim dies. IMDB

Would you say that humans have a natural hunger for blood?

It is clear throughout history.
Could you justify the Roman culture of live killings and fighting of slaves and gladiators in the arena?
It is nothing but bloodlust.
Maybe then you'll tell me, "c'mon loosen up. Diorang tu jahiliah"


Then what is the purpose of action movies and thrillers like this one?
If the killings are somehow "soft" remarks like, " ala, tak real la..", "fake", "an insult to my intelligence" are inevitable.
People want to see blood spurting everywhere, pieces of brain matter thrown here and there, massive lethal explosions and death, death, death.

Why people stop and look at road accidents but not many try to help?
Why people discuss other people's affairs, judging them and subjecting them to public scrutiny as if the people they're discussing are not human?
People tell me it is curiosity.
People tell me it is ok if it is for a lesson for us (teladan).
People tell me it is not mengumpat.

But what if it is just that?
What if it is more?
What if the things we discuss with little knowledge that we have made the discussion contaminated by baseless accusations, fitnah?
Jangan perkatakan sesuatu yang kamu tiada pengetahuan tentangnya.
I know that this reads dangerously as being a defense of the killer, but it is not that. I merely seek to understand myself and then proceed to understand others. This trait of humanity got me thinking: Are our basic instincts animalistic?

Like in the movie: even when told that as the number of viewers of that site increases the more violent the tortures would be and the quicker the victim dies, the public still log in to see.
They rationalize their actions by saying that they just look at it for a while only and they did not mean any harm. After all, it is not like they're the actual killer.

The public mob. Who can satisfy them?
They disassociate themselves from any responsibility of the outcome of their cumulative actions.

The killer was pushed to the edge because the public took advantage of his father's suicide by filming it live, broadcasting it in the news and discussing (giving opinions on about the suicide even though the people giving their opinions don't even know his father) the suicide as if his father is not a person, but a subject in the news.
The killer was actually trying to prove a point (that the public is insatiable for the suffering of others), as well as wreak vengeance on those he felt had exploited his father's tragedy. IMDB

I think he has a right to prove his point but his methods are questionable. But hey, he is a nutcase. He can't tell between right, wrong and the blurry lines that separates both.

What's our excuse?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Making a mark in world: Stand up

These Hard Times - Matchbox Twenty

I'm shocked by the ignorance...check out this link, particularly the comments after the article:
The Truth About Muslims in America

So what are we going to do?
...but before that, do you care at all this is happening?
Are you just going to sit there, yapping away about all the injustices of the world, declining to vote because you think all politicians are doomed to hell anyway and just go about your life, distancing yourself from the world just because you can't stand it?
Please, go away.
You don't earn the right to do anything because you stand up for nothing.
You are like a balloon, big but just full of air. You burst when provoked, produce a loud bang but then there is nothing. It's like you never existed.
Everyone keeps talking
They promise you everything
But they don't mean anything
You're just satisfied with what you have now, thinking that "yeah, that's enough" and never even tried to do something more because you're too satisfied and proud of who and what you are now?
Or if you are affected by the events, you just give it a thought for 2 seconds or so and then revert back to your daily lives?
Or if you're more than that, you're sad and determined to do something about it but then you take a step back, look at the bumpy road ahead and say to yourself, "can I do it? Is it my destiny? Maybe other people who are better than me will come and do it..." after which you just shrug your shoulders, "Ah, well..." and then walk away without a second thought. All the time thinking that you've made the right decision.
Move your hands in circles
Keeping me hypnotized
The power behind your eyes
Move around your bedroom cursing the naked sky
You should be here tonight
But you stay alone and cry
...sorry to burst your bubble but you're dead wrong.
If you can see, you can do something. If you can talk, then you can do something. If you can walk, then you should do something.

C'mon, get real. Of course there are people better than you. MAYBE they'll do the job better but are you just going to sit around and wait? What if the better person came but it was already too late to do anything?
During that that time, who'll take blame? Who'll shoulder the responsibility of a lost chance?

Maybe you're thinking, why am I so angry anyway?
I am surprised and a bit scared of the ignorance plaguing the world in general (muslims and non-muslims alike).
The most dangerous thing is a wannabe hero that thinks he knows everything but in fact know only distorted truths.
A hero that live only for the masses. Feeding the fear because that is what makes them heroes.
Truth have no value because it'll give no profit or gain.
I keep thinking, what times are we living in now?
And could it be worse in the future?
Maybe, if the young generation now are still ignorant and have no desire to see truth triumph.
Remember: keeping silent won't make the problem go away.
Don't undermine your own ability.
If you believe, that alone would give you strength to go on.
Say goodbye, these days are gone
And we can't keep holding on
When all we need is some relief
Through these hard times
(whoa) There's something missing
(Oh whoa) You'll never feel it but you
(Oh whoa) You're gonna feel it when it's gone
When it's gone
Don't let anyone make a fool of you. If you do nothing, they'll think it's ok. Don't just be patient and hold on. Fight!
...and then hold on. Hold on with all your might.

Some of you may think, "Ah, another with their heads in the clouds."
I am not a dreamer.
I just believe.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My 2 cents worth

lama rase tak tulis cni..
banyak yg ada difikiran: kdg2 rasa ok je kalo tulis cni, tapi bila fikir panjang sikit...jadi mcm x sesuai plak.
Kadang2 ada perkara yg bagus kalau dibicarakan one-on-one, orang kata "pertemuan dua mata" pertemuan empat mata?
Ada perkara yang bagus dibincang dalam kumpulan kecil.
Ada pula perkara yang baik didiamkan saja.
Kadang2 bila nak tulis, ada satu sikap hati-hati, atau keinginan untuk membina suatu imej tentang diri. Kata- kata dalam blog ini adalah luahan hati si pemikir. Disini tempat semuanya dibentuk dan dijaga agar hasilnya sesuai dengan kemahuan diri.
Tak sama dengan hidup.
Dalam hidup, hal- hal yang terjadi bukan kita penentunya. Memanglah kita memainkan peranan yang besar dalam hidup sendiri (dah nama pun hidup sendiri) tapi outcome yang kita dapat bukan sentiasa seperti apa yang kita mahukan.
Dalam blog ni, kita boleh jadi apa- apa. Your mind will take you anywhere :)
Blog ni bolehlah dikatakan satu escapism dari life yang kadang-kadang bergerak terlalu pantas sampai kita rasa nak berhenti dan jerit, "Time out!"
Sebab tu, kalau orang kata yang melebih-lebih tentang blog kita, tentang perkara-perkara yang kita jaga dan bentuk sendiri ini, sangat menyakitkan.

Setiap orang diuji mengikut kadar kemampuannya. Kemenangan hidup juga tercapai menurut kemampuan. Alam ini diatur dengan sebegitu rupa sehinggakan tiada satu pun yang sia- sia atau tidak perlu. Jangan mengukur diri dengan orang lain, itu takkan boleh adil sebab setiap kita unik.
Kadang- kadang tu hairan bila dengar orang bila bercerita masalah, mesti nak kata yang diri sendirilah yang paling sengsara, paling bermasalah. Untuk apa? Untuk simpati ke? Untuk orang memahami keadaan diri?
Memanglah setiap orang ada masalah masing-masing, tapi dengarkan saja lah. Tak perlu kata yang masalah orang itu lebih kecil berbanding masalah kita. Kita mana tahu betapa besar kesan masalah itu pada dirinya? Apa beban- beban lain yang terpaksa ditanggungnya sampai masalah kecil pun terasa sungguh beratnya?
Macam yang kata tadi, setiap kita unik.
Itu bukan masalah, itu anugerah.
Dijadikan kita berlainan untuk kita berkenal- kenalan.
..err, ni bukan syor untuk masuk ruang berkenalan majalah plak tau, tu da lain maksud tu...
Bagi saya, berkenal- kenalan itu boleh juga diertikan macam cuba bertoleransi sesama kita. Kita mungkin tidak akan mampu memahaminya, hatta diri sendiri pun x faham- faham. Tapi kalau sama- sama cari jalan tengah yang cukup luas untuk selesa dilalui oleh kedua-duanya, itupun alhamdulillah.
....this is what I think anyway.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Different roads words could describe it.
Almost everyone who read the story said variations of, "she could've taken a different road"
I know. But that line of thinking is so simplistic.
But haven't you yourself get stuck in a road that you wish you've never taken? Take this example: You're stuck in a ditch because you failed to navigate your car to tackle the treacherous terrains of a kampung, the day is coming to an end, you have no torchlight and your phone batteries are dead..don't you wish you could've taken a different road and bypass all the s**t that transpires? But you couldn't. You could wish all you want but still your car is in the ditch and you're all alone in the dark wondering, "so, maybe this is what it's like in the dark ages."
No one to help you, simply because there's no one there.
Is it your fault? Maybe.
But you could never have known all this would happen.
So sometimes my friend, the option of choosing a different route is just not there. All you can do is just move on, trying your best to hold on until you approach another fork on the road or a dead end.
Forgive me, but I think she didn't have a choice.
You say,"there is always another choice."
How about if she didn't know any other way to get around it? That road is the only road she sees and she tread on that road with no small courage.
We can't say something is right or wrong if we don't know the whole story.
What people do, their practices and their beliefs are different from one another.
What is considered wrong to us may just be a norm for another..just because of the circumstances.
I do not condone her actions, but I believe I am able to try and understand why she did what she did.
People are always judging other people based on their own beliefs, unconsciously ignoring the fact that other people are different and cannot be fairly judged using the same set of principles and beliefs.
What is important is that the person's actions are true from the heart, lead by the mind with the guidance of knowledge.
Only the surface are different..when you try to look beyond that, you'll discover that we're not all that different.
Sense of right and wrong are generally the same and actions are supposed to be taken toward the greater good.
What other things are there? Nothing.
The different roads that we apparently have to take would eventually take you to who you really are.
This is why our aim, our purpose, our 'niat' is so important.
The very essence of life is change, so do not force yourself to be stagnant.
Open your mind, you'll be surprised what you'll see.
...this is what I think anyway.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A story to ponder...

I got this in an email. This is a story to shake your judgment and principles. It doesn't matter if the story is true or not because in this world nothing is impossible. I put it together with the Chinese characters just in case the translations were not sufficient. I'll put my thoughts on this later. Try to digest it first.

*DON'T DELETE.. if you don't read Chinese, read the translation as I try my best to work it out. -- Lawrence Liew

卖一次淫,可以帮助一名失学儿童;当一回二奶,可以拯救一所希望小学… 别笑,看过你就不会笑了
Each prostitution, can help one schooless child; become a mistress once, can rescue a hopeless primary school... Don't laugh, after you read, u won't laugh.

After I read this story, I speechless. I don't know what to say, is it society's fault, or else?

殷彩霞死了,死前她是一名妓女,更确切的说,她是一名老师。是当今中国当之无愧的老? ΑK�用自己肮脏的身体,纯洁了孩子的心灵
Xia died, she was a hooker, or she was a teacher. She is the most honorable teacher in China . She use her dirty body, wash through children's heart.

A hooker's death, all children cried and attend her funeral, a school lowered the national flag for her.

这名年仅21岁的美! 女教师的追悼会上,校长翻开殷彩霞的日记,当着孩子们的面老泪纵横地朗读起来,她这样写道:卖一次淫,可以帮助一名失学儿童;当一回二奶,可以拯救一所希望小学…
In the funeral of this 21 year old pretty teacher, headmaster read Xia's diary sadly in front of all the students, she written : 'Each prostitution, can help one schooless child; become a mistress once, can rescue a hopeless primary school.'....

殷彩霞出生在甘肃省某县的农村,在那个贫困的地方,村里的其他姑娘,无论美丑,早就到南方沿海城市去打工挣钱了,每到春节,她们都会打扮得花枝招展,大包小包的提回来。而殷彩霞高中毕业后没这么做,很多人都不理解,毕竟她的长相在村里是数一数二的。为此,她的父亲经! 常骂自己的女儿没出息。
Xia lived in a small village of province of Gan Shu . All ladies in this small village, no matter she is pretty or not, went to Southern part of city to earn money. Every spring time, they will come back with money and beautiful cloths. Xia didn't follow after she finished her secondary school. A lot of people don't understand what is she thinking of as she has the pretty face and body. And because of this, her father always scold her.

When she heard of the only primary school in the village needs some teachers, she volunteered ask to become a free teacher. She is a very good student in her secondary school and because of this, she easily pass through all the test and became the teacher of the school.

The 1st time when Xia walk into the classroom, all children shock to see a pretty teacher. From then on, the classroom always fill with children's laughter. Classroom -- should call it a hut instead as the wall is made of sticks and cover with leaves as its ceiling. A big stone become their table and the most expensive should be the polished dark-green stone as their blackboard. With this condition, Xia taught thousands of Chinese words and knowledge to her students.

一天夜里刮大风,茅草棚盖的学校屋顶被掀翻,黑板也被刮倒。第2天孩子们上学的时候各个不知道所措。校长去找县教育局长要钱结果无功而返。老校长晚上回来对殷彩霞说,局长说要你去才给。从来没有出过远门、也没有见过世面的殷彩霞怕把事情搞杂了,胆怯的步行10几公里去了县里。局长的办公室装修很豪华,墙上? 易藕芏嘟跗欤�办公桌黑里透红,可以照见人影,上面立着一面小国旗,椅子是皮的,好象擦了鞋油一样光亮,比他的脑袋还要亮。局长见到殷彩霞,色咪咪聊了很多不着边际的话。直到天黑了,校长指着另外一扇门对她说,跟我过来拿钱。当殷彩霞走进去的时候,她只看到了一张床,也就是在那张床上,她失去了她的第一次,确切地说,是局长夺走了她的第一次
There was wild rain destroy the classroom of the school and all students become schoolless... The headmaster visit the province's education minister for some money to repair the classroom and come back with nothing. Headmaster told Xia that the minister said would only give money if Xia ask for it. Xia never meet any minister before and afraid that she will make the things worst and decided t! o visit the minister. She walked more than 10km to the province ministry office and sit in a beautiful office in front of the minister. Minister's eyes looks hungry and point to a room and said to Xia. Your money is in the room, if you want, follow me. Xia saw a big bed in the room and is the bed that she lost her virgin. Minister raped her.

Her virgin blood drop on the bedsheet and is more red! dish than the color of the national flag in the room.

Xia didn't cry, all she is thinking of is the eyes of all disappointed students that have no classroom.

She didn't tell anyone about the rape after she went home.

The next day, with the money that brought back by Xia, all villagers bought some woods and repair the classroom. But whenever there was a heavy rain, the classroom still cannot be used. Xia always tell the students that province ministry department will built a good school for them. In the past half year, headmaster had visited the ministers more than 100 times and never ever get any money from them. He is the only 1 knows what did Xia did and he can do nothing about it. New semester comes, a lot of students cannot pay their fees and become schoolless and follow their parents to work. Xia sad about that.

When Xia feel that her hope of all students can go to school become hopeless, she drop all her cloths and swear to her naked body that she will use this body to exchange for the children to be able to go to school. She knows that all ladies in the village are working as a prostitute to earn the living and she knows this is a shortcut for her to earn money. She washed herself and say goodbye to headmaster, father, and school. S he tight her hair as 2 ponytails and walk to the city. When she leave, her father smile and headmaster cry....

In the colorful city, Xia is not happy at all, in her mind, there are only broken classroom and sadness and disappointed eyes of students. She walked into a Hair-Saloon, lay down on a dirty bed, and accept her 2nd dirty business. In that night, in her diary, she wrote : 'Minister can! 't even compare to her 1st customer. At least they pay.'

She sends all her earnings except those for her to live on to headmaster. Headmaster follows her instruction to use the money on the school. People ask about the source of the money and headmaster only answer that it was from some donation of society.

After a while, people knows about the source of money is from the teacher and many reporters would like to interview her and she just refused and the reason is that she is just a prostitute.

With the money, the school changed. First month, there is a new blackboard. 2nd month, a wooden table and chair. 3rd month, all children has their own books. 4th month, all children has a red tie. 5th month, no children go to school bare leg.

第六个月,殷彩霞回来了。当孩子们看到她的时候,争先恐后地叫她 '殷老师……殷老师回来了……殷老师好漂亮啊……'? ?吹胶⒆用羌ざ�的笑脸,殷彩霞哭了,这半年里,多少的委屈和泪水,在她眼里都那么的有价值
On the 6th month, Xia come back. All students welcome her happily and say 'Teacher is so beautiful'... With all student's smiling face, Xia cries.. how many tear drops and how many sadness in the past 6 months.. she feels worthy when she see all these.

After few days at home, she goes back to city.

第七个月,有了操场。 第八个月,有了篮球。第九个月,有了新铅笔。 第十个月,学校有了自己的国旗? �孩子们每天都能够在操场上看到国旗冉冉升
7th month, built a ball park, 8th month, basketball, 9th month, all students has their new pencils. 10th month, the school has their own national flag, students raise the national flags daily. 11th month, a land-developer refuse to use condom and Xia pregnant. After abortion, she become the developer's mistress. After a few months, the developers dump her because he faced problem on land-value drop in Sheng Xhen, he didn't pay her 1 cent.

Xia feel tired, she think of go home and go back to the school, but she has yet to fulfill student's dream which are building a concrete classroom and 2 PCs for the students. Because of these, she went back to beg the developer and the developer just refuse to pay anything but only introduce a foreigner to her. Said the foreigner will pay her 3000rmb for 1 night. Think of the wild rain happen few days ago, she tiredly goes to the foreigner's hotel. She swore that she will go back to her home and school after this.

She killed by the 3 foreigner because of rape. She just turned 21yrs.

Xia died without fulfill her final wish which to build a concrete classroom and 2 PCs. ……
一个妓女死了,悄无声息。深圳的天空还是那么蓝,官员们在豪华宴席上高谈阔论,道! 路上行驶的高级轿车散发着耀眼的光芒。兴奋的人们滔滔不绝地谈论着股票、房价和车市,还有电影、音乐和爱情。路边亲亲我我恋爱的小青年们为了一点小事要死要活。

A hooker dies, silently, the sky of Sheng Zhen is still as blue as before, ministers still happily sitting in their office, many expensive cars still running on street, people happily discussing share market, house market value, car value, and movies, music and love story. Youngster try to suicide because of small matters happen between themselves.

At this time, students, teachers and few hundreds of villagers attending the funeral in this small village 'GanShu'

追悼会上,人们看到殷彩霞的一张黑白照片,照片里,她扎着两个麻花辫,笑得如此单纯。校长翻开殷彩霞的日记,当着孩子们的面老泪纵横地朗读起来,她这样写道:卖一次淫,可以帮助一! 名失学儿童;当一回二奶,可以拯救一所希望小学…
In the funeral, people see a black and white photo of Xia. In the photo, she has 2 pony tails and happily smile.. Headmaster open the diary of Xia and read in front of all students, she wrote : ' Each prostitution, can help one schooless child; become a mistress onc! e, can rescue a hopeless primary school...'

The national flag lowered to its half..... May be, this is the ONLY national flag lowered half because of a GREAT hooker in China 's history.

多好感言:写这篇文章,我整整哭了两个小时。从今以后,我再也不会歧视任何妓女,因为她们当中有一个殷彩霞。真诚希望大家多转载此文,? �满各个论坛和空间.让我们的父母官们看看,当他们在台上高谈阔论的时候,当他们在酒桌前恍酬交错的时候,当他们以权谋私的时候,当他们在台上学习三个代表的时候,多想想那个不是共产党员的殷彩霞和万千处于水深火热的穷苦百姓。彩霞在那个世界在用哀求的眼神望着我们�?/SPAN>

After I read this, I cried for 2 hours. From now on, I won't discriminate any hooker, because among them there is a Xia. Hope you will forward this mail to all forum, friends, webspaces, to let all our governments to understand when they are saying and empty-promissing, when they are drinking in the pub, when they are doing dirty politics, Someone using her own power to change the world. Xia is using her sadly eye to look at all of us. Although she is just a hooker, she is more clean and saint than any of us. In this cold and dirty society, what she gave to the students are human's 'Great Love'.

希望大家把这帖子多转转 灵魂的震撼!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sama tak serupa

Hari ni dah 10 Ramadhan, tinggal 20 hr je lagi sebelum Ramadhan meninggalkn kita.
Moga2 Ramadhan kali ni bermanfaat :)
Semalam berbuka puasa dengan ayam tandoori n roti nan..hehe, teringin sungguh semalam. Memang best!
Plan asal ialah beli nasi kari, tapi tukar fikiran last minute.
Semalam hajat Lili nak makan tau fu fa kt pasar sec6 x tercapai, pakcik soya tu xde. Tapi, bertentangan dengan tempat pakcik soya tu ada gerai jual kuih yg goreng2 mcm jemput-jemput, cempedak goreng n mungkin juga pisang goreng (x nampak pun pisang semalam, tp mcm patut ada je kt gerai mcm tu kn hehe---educated guess la konon).
Bau cempedak goreng mmg sangat menggoda...terus terasa mcm ade tarikan magnet ke gerai tu. Lagipun x ramai sangat dah orang sebab masa tu da lewat, so pegilah beli.
Sampai kt meja gerai tu, ada 2 talam yang besar. Satu ngan label 4 biji rm2.00 (yang dalam talam ni saiz besar skit) dan satu lagi rm 2.00 5 biji (saiznya secara relatif lebih kecil).
Tanpa berfikir panjang order, "Bang, saya nak yang besar ni rm 2.00."
Dapat la 4 biji. Happy gila! Hahahahahahaha
Malam tu masa berbuka makan la sebiji...pastu hairan, apsal cempedak ni isi die sangat tebal? Pastu terfikir yang, wah, bagusnya isi die tebal, sangat berbaloi!
Kak Liza n Lili pun makan, tapi xde ape2 komen pun.
Then masa sahur makan la sebiji yang last...tiba2 terfikir lagi..apsal la isi cempedak ni macam tebal n lain skit. Pastu mula la belek-belek n perhatikan struktur kuih yang sedang dimakan (saintis la katakan...huhuhu). Tiba- tiba tergelak besar, Lili pun terkejut. Ya Allah, rupanya bukan cempedak, tapi nangka! Wakakaka cempedak sudah menjadi nangka! Or lebih kepada nangka disangka cempedak?
Boleh tak, lansung x sedar yang dari semalam tu memang makan nangka, boleh plak hairan2 sendiri.
Memang lansung x perasan, ye la, bau goreng semalam cempedak (suspek utama: yang saiz kecik 5 rm2.00 tu!) tapi terbeli nangka plak.
Itu la, kadang2 apa yang kita nak, kita tak dapat.
Semalam makan nangka tu, sedap aje. Memang tip top xde masalah.
Jadi, kadang2 kita dapat benda bukan lah yang seperti kita minta, tapi mungkin itu lebih baik untuk kita.
Kalau x belek, mmg xkan perasan sebab rasanya sedap juga. Bukan cempedak je yang sedap.
Oleh sebab itu, janganlah asyik bertanya: "kenapa aku x dapat yang itu?"
Kena yakin pada Allah, pastilah apa yang kita dapat sekarang adalah yang sebenar- benarnya takdir kita. Diberi-Nya perkara2 yang akan membawa kita lebih dekat padaNya. Apa yang terbaik untuk kita bukanlah semuanya kesenangan, lagipun, kalau tidak diuji, mana kita tau nilai kita sebenarnya?
Sekarang ni, memang senang untuk mempersoalkan banyak perkara, tapi apa gunanya? Akhirnya apa yang ada padaku memang nangka, selamanya tidak akan jadi cempedak. Buang ke tanah pun, kalau tumbuh jadi pokok nangka. Takkan nyer die mutate jadi pokok cempedak pulak.
Apa- apa hal pun, sangat happy dengan nangka tu, xpe la x dapat cempedak pun. Maybe next time ;)

Friday, August 22, 2008

One step at a time
by Jordin Sparks

Hurry up and wait
So close, but so far away
Everything that you’ve always dreamed of
Close enough for you to taste
But you just can’t touch

You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you’re gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you’re feeling more and more frustrated
And you’re getting all kind of impatient waiting

We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There’s no need to rush
It’s like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It’s gonna happen and it’s
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

You believe and you doubt
You’re confused, you got it all figured out
Everything that you always wished for
Could be yours, should be yours, would be yours
If they only knew

You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you’re gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you’re feeling more and more frustrated
And you’re getting all kind of impatient waiting

We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There’s no need to rush
It’s like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It’s gonna happen and it’s
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
On step at a time

When you can’t wait any longer
But there’s no end in sight
It’s the faith that makes you stronger
The only way you get there
Is one step at a time

Take one step at a time
There’s no need to rush
It’s like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It’s gonna happen and it’s
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

One step at a time
There’s no need to rush
It’s like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It’s gonna happen and it’s
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

Sometimes after a hard day of life, it helps to just step back and look at what you've done so far.
Yeah, I know the desire to show what you worth to the world is overwhelming, you don't want to just be another face in the crowd, another wallflower.
The life we lead now is fast-tracked. Everything' has got to be super-fast, express or instant. Slow is a no-no.
So how to take it one step at a time when all we want to do is run as fast as we could?
It is kinda slow when all need to be in order, one step after the other. Is what the song meant is doing things one at a time, focusing all you have for that ONE goal. Then after it is achieved, focus on another goal. Is that it? Kinda slow eh?
Isn't there a another way, another pathway to bypass the ordinary banalities?
Maybe what the song meant is being patient and rational so that you could tackle the problems one at a time?
Control your heart and actions so that you wouldn't be overwhelmed by what is in front of you. Plan what you do, think things through, take your time to do the best in things. If you rush, then maybe you couldn't give equal attention to all. Solve the big things first, leave the small ones for later. But don't forget about the little things, or it'll come pounce on you one fine day when you are unaware. In other word: PRIORITIZE. Deal with everything, just don't do it all at once. Humans are not high-throughput machines ;)
Remember that we are not perfect, we are constantly given lessons by the people around us, by the things we experience, by the things life throws at us. So learn. Don't stop learning. Be patient, the answers will come...eventually.
Like in the song, if it's supposed to happen, then it's gonna happen. Regardless of what we do. Life isn't easy, deal with it. If it is, that is not life, that is just mere existence.


Erti hidup pada perjuangan

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Marilah kita renungkan kata-kata Hamka tentang kemerdekaan berfikir dalam karyanya Lembaga Hidup~ Perhiasan Insan Gemilang [Erk..bukan aku ni sepatutnye baca novel je ke?!]:

- Fikiran itu menimbulkan keyakinan. Dan keyakinan itu boleh dinyatakan kepada umum, asal sahaja tidak merosakkan kewajipan sendiri dan tidak menyinggung bagi kemerdekaan fikiran orang lain. Supaya fikiran itu sentiasa sihat dan penerimaan orang sihat pula, itulah perlunya penjagaan. Kalau tidak demikian tentu kacau.

-Tetapi hak itu terbatas pula, iaitu tiap-tiap orang merdeka menyatakan pendirian atau kepercayaannya, selama pendirian itu tidak mengganggu ketenteraman umum, yang akan membawa kepada huru- hara atau perselisihan, dan selama kepercayaan itu tidak melanggar pula kepada undang- undang kesopanan umum yang telah digunakan sejak dahulu, yang telah diakui bersama- sama menjadi budi pekerti tinggi.

Bagaimana? Apakah yang anda fikirkan sekarang?

Alihkan perhatian anda pada situasi dunia kini yang semakin kecil dek globalisasi. Semuanya dihujung jari. Sistem perhubungan moden yang memungkinkan interaksi secara lansung menyebabkan kadang-kala kita lalai yang nilai- nilai dunia realiti harus juga diterapkan dalam perhubungan virtual. Terkadang kita lupa yang walaupun kita di dunia maya, namun orang- orang yang berinteraksi didalam dunia ciptaan itu hakikatnya orang- orang yang sebenar. Bukan robot.

Dimana letaknya kemerdekaan berfikir kini?

Adakah sesiapa yang mengambil kira perkara ini? Bertimbang rasa dalam berkata- kata?

Contohnya dalam dunia blogging sekarang. Orang sana kata orang sini buat ini, orang sini pula kata orang sana buat itu. Politik sekarang tak perlu ceritalah, membosankan. Xperlu tengok benda- benda besar, blog- blog kecil biasa seperti ini pun boleh dilihat status praktis etika dalam memberi pendapat. Macam dah xde etika. Sekarang ini, kemerdekaan berkata- kata diertikan sebagai kebebasan melahirkan apa- apa sahaja yang terlintas difikiran, biarlah salah pun, asal penulis itu mempercayainya sebagai benar, itu sudah lebih dari cukup. Bila dibangkang, jawapannya senang: ”Blog aku, aku punya suka lah. Kalau xpuas hati, boleh blah.”

Jadi setakat mana kebebasan kita untuk berkata- kata? Memanglah, nanti ada yang akan kata yang nak puaskan hati semua orang xkan boleh terjadi. Kalau asyik memikirkan orang maka xde originaliti, xde idea baru. Kita nak revolusikan semuanya!

Macam tu ke?

Macam x betul je rasa...

Pernah dengar x, “the end justifies the means”?

Itu cara Machiavelli. Semua cara dibolehkan asalkan penghabisannya “elok”. Semua boleh asalkan niat baik.

Itu idea songsang.

Bolehkah kita memalukan seseorang hanya kerana kita tidak setuju dengan perilaku dia?

Bencilah perlakuannya, bukan pelakunya. Lebih- lebih lagi kalau dengan cara memalukan orang, xkan tercapai maksud niat baik nak menasihat tu. Bila dimalukan, maka mangsa akn menjadi defensif: mata dipejam rapat- rapat, telinga ditutup, tangan menggenggam penumbuk. Masa tu mimpilah kalau tiba- tiba nak suruh orang itu rasional. Entah- entah kena penumbuk (padan muka ko).

Bolehkah kita menghukum (being judgmental) seseorang kalau perkara itu belum berlaku lagi? Kalau perkara itu sudah berlalu, jadi sejarah, masih relevan ke? Tambah lagi kalau hukuman itu bukan berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri mengalami atau tahu sebagai benar, tapi berdasarkan tafsiran satu peristiwa yang sama sekali tidak boleh dijadikan representatif terhadap peribadi seseorang?

Itu cara orang yang tidak sabar. Cara yang mudah. Buat tanggapan terhadap seseorang tanpa mengetahui situasi sebenar.

Sudah tentu orang itu tahu yang tidak akan ada yang lebih tahu tentang dirinya melainkn dirinya sendiri. Jadi, janganlah seperti tahu segalanya.
Saintifik sikit, bila dah dapat the whole picture, baru draw conclusion.

Andainya conclusion itu masih sama tidak berubah walaupun sudah dapat whole picture, itu pun tidak bermakna yang kata- kata boleh dilempar begitu sahaja.

Kemerdekaan untuk berfikir, ya, milikmu.

Kemerdekaan untuk berkata- kata, ya, milikmu.

Kemerdekaan untuk percaya sesuatu, ya, milikmu.

Bagaimana tentang kemerdekaan untuk mengetahui yang benar?

Bagaimana tentang kemerdekaan untuk membela diri sendiri?

Bagaimana tentang kemerdekaan untuk dilayan sebagai manusia?

Tanya dirimu. Dirimu jua yang akan bertanggungjawab atas penulisanmu nanti.

Aku meminta maaf anda ada perkataanku yang menyinggung sesiapa.

Maaf andai dengan tidak sengaja membuatmu kusut, letih, buntu.

Teringat pula kata- kata, ”Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya.”

Hebatnya penangan kata- kata.

Alangkah baik kalaulah yang berbekas dihati, boleh dipadam begitu sahaja.