Sunday, November 22, 2020
Tak apa lah
Monday, August 29, 2016
Lampias keinginan
Dilihatnya langit,
Mahu dicapainya,
Mahu dipeluk lembut awannya,
Mahu dibelai sepoi anginnya..
Namun takdirnya dia burung yang tak dapat terbang,
Sayapnya belum diberi kekuatan,
Belum diizin Tuhan menyelusuri alam,
Menggapai isi kayangan.
Atau mungkin takdirnya hanya menyokong teman,
Yang jauh terbang didada langit,
Menyorak, menghargai, mendoakan
Agar yang lain itu baik-baik saja disana
Walau makna doanya yang dibisiknya itupun
Hakikatnya dia belum mengerti
Kerana belum mengalami.
Memaksa hati memahami
Adalah ujiannya sekian lama.
Mengikis kesabaran yang sedikit,
Lalu dipalit kebosanan demi kebosanan.
Mahu dijeritnya saja,
"Pergi kau jauh!
Kenapa terbang disini?
Apa yang kau dapat dengan mengagahku terbang?"
Tapi temannya jauh dilangit,
Tak tercapai suaranya ke mereka,
Kata-kata itu tak pernah lepas dari kerongkong,
Luahan perasaan itu cuma senyuman sekilas,
Yang datang dengan hirisan halus dilubuk hati.
Tertunduk saja akhirnya,
Memikirkan mungkin namanya perlu diganti,
Kerana dia
Bukan seperti yang lain.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Let go and let God.
In truth,
I am bedazzled by your smile.
Every time I remember it, a pang of disbelief floods my heart: how on earth that your smile is more stunning than mine?
How can I not thought of it that way?
It is arresting and honest with all kinds of beautiful.
Brightening my days and shining my nights.
Maybe it was meaningful because it was fleeting,
With me one moment and gone the next.
Maybe it was magical because it was futile,
Never to be mine unless with a strange twist of fate.
Maybe it was unreal because the memory polished,
Becoming much more dreamy with every remembrance.
This vision of the past,
heavy with hopes of a future,
Intricated with the complexity of this earthly life.
I was, am grateful for the heaviness of this longing.
A sneak peek of what it would be like to just step into heaven.
For I know that to be worthy of a second chance with you in the afterlife,
An absolute surrender to Allah swt is the only way.
While fighting for that chance,
I will brave anything and everything.
In the end we'll see: am I worthy to drown in your smile again?
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Oh dear, my heart
Oh dear, my heart:
Just hold on a little longer.
I don't think he sees you,
All lit up with the familiar rush of a crush,
A pitiful beautiful mess.
I'd shield you from what I know is coming,
But what good would that do to you?
You need to remember the lesson of waiting,
Because patience is expensive for those who don't know the price,
And justice is lost on those served with it.
Oh dear heart.
You break me when you wait on an answer
From someone oblivious they've been asked.
Or a more heartwrenching reality; they chose to be blind to your sight and deaf to your call;
Their soul unwilling to destroy another but unwittingly obliterated it in chosen ignorance.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Price for waiting
The line is long. So long that I couldn't even make out whether the touch n go counter at the toll gate is closed or open. Sometimes if the timing isn't right, or the traffic so heavy they'll close the counter so that cars could move faster using the electronic toll booths. People lining up to top up their touch n go cards would just clog up the traffic you see.
I moved my car in line, trying my best to squint the sign "Open" at the counter. I couldn't see it. Furthermore the rays of the sun was shining brilliantly, marring my sight even more. Glancing at the clock, I guess I could spare some time before I'm late. So I waited. It was a long wait and we were just inching towards the counter. I sang along to songs, played with my phone a bit but the wait was long.
Suddenly from the corner of my eye, I saw some cars cutting through the line and it was infuriating. How can someone just cut the line like that when everyone else is enduring the long wait? Why do they think their time is worth more than others? I tried positive thinking, like maybe they're in a life/death emergency or someone is in labour in their car. But when I see that nothing of that sort is happening, I got pissed again.
Patience, patience. I breathed in and out several times but couldn't help but wish that their affairs of the day won't turn out good (oh my God, that is not good! But hey, I'm just human).
I am now officially late. I should've made it but didn't. Already I felt a grey cloud looming in my horizon although it's a sun shiny day outside. Drats.
It doesn't help my situation that I keep getting all these notifications on social networks about how happy and perfect and beautiful everyone else is. Whereas I'm stuck. My oh my. It's a challenge just to keep my zen because I'm not even sure if the touch n go counter is open! It would be a waste if I arrive finally to the counter just to discover that it's closed. Yes, I could've changed lanes but it's now past that already. There are orange cones lined up along all lanes to stop cars from changing lanes. Oh no...
You know what? This is exactly what I do not want to have in life, love or anything. I don't want to wait in line for something I potentially won't get. Yes I know, dealing with all these ifs and greys are never going to help. But I would appreciate it if I know if there is a real chance in something. Now it's especially hard to deal with love. It is both the thing that I want most and dread most in life. Maybe that is the price of hope. It's terrifying to realise I really like someone but don't know if he's on the same page. Everytime I speak it sounds like a squeak. Everything I say seem stupid. All I do seem clumsy and off the mark. It really is an inconvenience. For once, I'd like to know the counter is open or not. Is it worth the risk of falling? :(
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Careless heart in a game to lose
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening~Robert FrostWhose woods these are I think I know.His house is in the village though;He will not see me stopping hereTo watch his woods fill up with snow.My little horse must think it queerTo stop without a farmhouse nearBetween the woods and frozen lakeThe darkest evening of the year.He gives his harness bells a shakeTo ask if there is some mistake.The only other sound's the sweepOf easy wind and downy flake.The woods are lovely, dark and deep.But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.
" Love is like a game of cards, if they know what cards you're playing then they control how the game would end"
Saturday, April 09, 2011
I wonder where are you

Oh you yellow leavesthat whirl upon the autumn slopesif only for a momentdo not whirl down in such confusion,that i may see where my beloved dwells.~Kakinomoto no Hitomaro ( 8th century)
Monday, March 21, 2011
The challenge in words

I am sorry and I love you
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Love responsibly

There are different wells within your heart.Some fill with each good rain,Others are far too deep for that.In one wellYou have just a few precious cups of water,That “love” is literally something of yourself,It can grow as slow as a diamondIf it is lost.Your loveShould never be offered to the mouth of a stranger,Only to someoneWho has the valor and daringTo cut pieces of their soul off with a knifeThen weave them into a blanket to protect you.~Hafez, a persian poet
Friday, August 06, 2010
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
You could get by without me, but...
Friday, April 16, 2010
It's just another lemon tree
Lyrics | Fool's Garden lyrics - Lemon Tree lyrics
This song has been in my head for a week now.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Love is not high throughput
It is no surprise to me that hardly anyone tells the truth about how they feel. The smart ones keep themselves to themselves for good reason. Why would you want to tell anyone anything that's dear to you? Even when you like them and want nothing more than to be closer than close to them? It's so painful to be next to someone you feel strongly about and know you can't say the things you want to~Henry Rollins (American Rock Singer, Author, Actor and Poet, b.1961)
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Set sail, the wind is blowing!
Never Give All The HeartNever give all the heart, for loveWill hardly seem worth thinking ofTo passionate women if it seemCertain, and they never dreamThat it fades out from kiss to kiss;For everything that's lovely isBut a brief, dreamy. Kind delight.O never give the heart outright,For they, for all smooth lips can say,Have given their hearts up to the play.And who could play it well enoughIf deaf and dumb and blind with love?He that made this knows all the cost,For he gave all his heart and lost~William Butler Yeats
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tell me about it
“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.”~Neil Gaiman
Friday, September 25, 2009
Love= Overrated
batu mawar
batu langit
batu duka
batu rindu
batu jarum
batu bisu
kaukah itu
teka teki yang tak menepati janji?
Dengan seribu gunung langit tak runtuh
Dengan seribu perawan hati tak jatuh
Dengan seribu sibuk sepi tak mati
Dengan seribu beringin ingin tak teduh.
Dengan siapa aku mengeluh?
Mengapa jam harus berdenyut sedang darah tak sampai
Mengapa gunung harus meletus sedang langit tak sampai
Mengapa peluk diketatkan sedang hati tak sampai
Mengapa tangan melambai sedang lambai tak sampai.
Kau tahu?
batu risau
batu pukau
batu Kau-ku
batu sepi
batu ngilu
batu bisu
kaukah itu teka teki yang tak menepati janji?
~ Sutardji Calzoum Bachri
It's hard because you can never choose the one you love. Love is not a thing, nor a given right. It is to me a gift bestowed by the Almighty as a means for us to fill the void so stark in our hearts. We are all empty. That is why we search everywhere to fill the nothingness.
As it is a gift, not everyone gets it. It could be given to both at the same time: that's love at first sight. It could be given to one first and then after some time the other person gets it. But it could also be given to you, but never to the other person. Of the reason behind that, we can never question. No use trying to figure out things like that.
In the poem, it reads like an injustice that a love given freely is not reciprocated. Yes, it is puzzling that a love so strong could not be felt by the other. Like screaming to deaf ears. They don't hear you.
You keep on asking why, knowing full well there is no answer. The gift of feeling love is given to you alone, don't that make you special in a hurtful kind of way? But special nonetheless. But if we know our place isn't to question, we'll eventually move on.
Don't get me wrong, I am fascinated by love. It is the riddle everyone trying to figure out since forever and it is also seem to be the answer to everything in this life. But is it?
Sometimes I think it is overrated. Yes, it is a grand mystery but love is not all there is to it. In addition to love, there's faith, hope, responsibility, loyalty, admiration, obsession. Each of these could not be a substitute for another, but not one is greater or less than the other.
Now, I feel like I need a break from "love". Maybe, for me unrequited love is love incomplete. Thus, it must be avoided.
How about we concentrate on the other emotions for a change? We have to cheer up the lost lovers, trapped in a one-way love. Tell them that there's more, so much more out there. Maybe not as sweet, but sweet nonetheless.
Friday, May 08, 2009
Simple is Cinta
Bosanlah yang lain- lain. Otak jem.
Politik, drama hidup bodoh, kerja. Semua bosan.
Jom kita cakap pasal benda yang seronok: cinta. Atau kalau geli perkataan tu, kita sebut je kasih (or adakah lebih menggelikan? Love, ok x?)
Rasanya paling menghayati cinta waktu sekolah menengah. Spesifiknya waktu menengah rendah (form 1-3). Masa tu masyaAllah, gatalnyaa!! hahahaha
Masa tu minat klasmet, minat abang tu, minat abang ni, cikgu pun minat juga ;)
Mmg, masa menengah rendah adalah waktu yg paling sarat dengan kasih sayang untuk org asing.
Masa tu seronok minat orang, share ngan kawan2. Diorang spy kn untuk kita, kita spy kan utk dia. Communication network kalangan kawan2 untuk lapor pasal yg diminati mmg dashyat. Siap ada codenames lagi, untuk elak orang lain tau :D
Tapi itu kasih, minat, cinta yang simple. Mana ada diganggu faktor hidup yg kompleks seperti sekarang, expectations seperti sekarang (keinginan utk commit, utk kahwin dan sebagainya). Masa tu semua simple. Aku minat kau, kau buat2 tak tau and kita flirt dalam cara yang buatkan masing2 perasan hahahaha. Memang sweet!
Sekarang? nak letak sesiapa dalam hati pun susah, kerana takut kecewa. Dulu, kecewa x kisah. Cinta berani mati. Sebab cinta yg simple. Sedih, tp kejap je sebab senag je nk replace org yg diminati (hahaha, ye aku tau, aku minat sorang ni da nk dekat 15tahun. Dia aku x pernah replace :p ). Tapi, kisah 15 tahun dulu pun, sekarang ok je sebab tau main- main dan pasti tidak kemana-mana. So sebenarnye aku mana ada "suka" sesape sekarang.
Sekarang mane ade flirt ngan orang, padahal dulu suke gile buat skandal senyap-senyap. Sendiri sendiri perasan dan kecewa sorang- sorang. Dulu memang suka terjebak dalam aktiviti ni hehe. Tapi sekarang? xde. Xde masa, xde tenaga untuk dibazirkan untuk benda-benda yang boleh memberatkan hati.
kan best kalau boleh mengalami percintaan yang simple. Aku mahu dengar cerita kau, kau pun mahu dengar cerita aku. Kau tunggu aku, aku tunggu kau. Basically, kau mahu aku dan aku mahu kau. Yang lain- lain kita cerita nanti. Ini kita settle dulu. Kan best? ;)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Kubiarkan cahaya bintang memilikimu
Kubiarkan angin yang pucat dan tak habis-habisnya
Gelisah, tiba-tiba menjelma isyarat, merebutmu …
Entah kapan kau bisa kutangkap
~Sapardi Djoko Damono
15 tahun adalah sela masa yang terlalu lama.
Pasti ada yang telah berubah, namun pasti ada juga yang masih kekal.
Menunggu dalam gelap, merenung cahaya yang kian malap dan mungkin hilang bila-bila masa.
Andai waktu itu datang sebelum aku mampu bergerak dan mencari cahaya lain, aku pasti rebah dalam kegelapan.
Sebenarnya aku sekarang tidak lagi mendambakan cahaya itu menjadi semakin terang. Aku berasa cukup dengan mengingat keindahan yang pernah suatu masa menjadi milikku, walaupun hanya dalam angan- angan.
Aku inginkan cahaya lain sekarang. Cahaya yang lain. Pasti tidak akan sama, namun itulah yang terbaik. Yang dahulu biarkan berlalu.
Aku sebenarnya tidak tahan dalam kegelapan. Ya Allah, berikanlah aku cahaya.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Choice for love
I heard somebody say that the choices you make define who you really are.
I think that is true.
The definition of self must come from within you, not from another person.
I think this is because only you will know the true reason for the choices you made, others could only speculate.
Love, love, love
Love is a choice, is it not?
Maybe love is indeed blind because you could never choose who you will fall in love with.
after falling in love, the decision to go through with the love and pursue it till the very end is a choice right? The other choice is to let your love go away, to fade into the days gone by.
Sometimes feelings of love make people lose their heads, right?
So, after the initial infatuation, rational thinking would have to be reinstalled immediately.
If not, hearts would be broken. Incapacitated by the need for a reciprocal reaction.
If there is none, the feelings should be erased. Like formatting a hard drive when it is infected by a virus.
Then reboot.
Start over.
But in the end, it's your choice anyway: to pursue it or not.
If unable to erase it permanently, just keep it in the recycle bin.
You can always restore it later ;)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Unrequited love is love incomplete
Lyrics | Kukatakan Dengan Indah lyrics
This song is for the broken and lost...
They fall in and out of love so hard that they never knew what hit them. All they know is that they are left with an ache in their hearts and a confused feeling.
These people are like innocent prisoners trapped in an underground dungeon; alone, afraid and forgotten.When they were finally released from the trappings of love, they walked out with a slight limp and shading their eyes from the glares of the sun they hadn't seen in years. Freedom is now foreign to them, they do not know what to do with it. Looking down the long road ahead, they know that they have to let go and start again. Praying incessantly that they wouldn't fall into the dark dungeon again...
Who are the people responsible for sentencing these poor souls to prison? Rather, they are more like irresponsible people. These people do not realize that their words and actions carry weight.They don't mean to make you love them, it's just something they do. They dance through life day by day, never realizing that they are trampling on the lives of others. It is not like they want to be like that. As they say, ignorance is bliss. What you don't know won't hurt you. When they finally realized what they've done, it is often too late. The other is already broken.
For me, ignorance is not an excuse. You can't say simply, "Oh, I didn't mean it that way" or "So sorry, didn't realize you felt that way". The minute you say that, you are saying that the other party is a poor judge of the situation.You got to respect others. Be responsible. Please do not start something you know you can't finish. Life is not a simple game. You can't lose and start over. Surely, if it is then the game would have been banned right now, considering how many lives it had claimed under the name of love.
I think it is hard for someone to not notice that somebody is vying for their hearts. As Dr Fadzilah Kamsah once said, "If someone loves you, you'll know". If you know that someone is waiting for you, please do not let them wait forever. Who are you to make them wait? You think you're that great, huh? Let them go so that could let you go too. Often people don't know what to do so they just let the people who love them be, never giving an indication of what the true situation is. They hide under the excuse, "I don't want to hurt him/her" or "Maybe if I ignore him/her long enough, they'll forget."
So immature. So unrealistic. You're only making it worse.
Like the character in Jerry Maguire, "If you don't love her, you got to tell her".
Ultimately, you are not truthful. You are not to be trusted with something so precious like a heart anymore. You just can't handle the enormity of the task.
Like I always say, a heart is essentially an amanah. If you can't uphold the amanah, you should not take it in the first place or you would have to answer for it in the afterlife.
But, my friend, if you really did not realize that someone loves you, then it is another story. If it is not intentional, then it is okay. It is still not right, but just okay. But bear in mind that once you realize it, you have to make a decision: to accept or not. Either way, you should do it gently and with respect. Then only you are worthy of love.
Now I think I know why some people hide their feelings. They're afraid they'll be rejected, they're afraid that they'll look stupid [ya..I know this part...]. For me the saying "It is better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all" is bull. I reject it. Rather, for me this quote summarizes it beautifully:
"Love is like playing a deck of cards. If the other person knows what card you're holding, then they control how the game will end"